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All giveaways by Aura Network

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Community Campaign #2: Explore Pyxis Safe to Earn 50,000 $AURA
🎁 TOTAL 50,000 $AURA FOR GRABS! THE MORE POINTS YOU GET, THE BIGGER SHARE OF REWARD YOU HAVE! 🎉 Let's get ready to explore Pyxis Safe (aura.network) You are RECOMMENDED to complete all the tasks to earn as many points as possible. Campaign Period: 🚩 Mini-game 1: First experience (5 days: Sep 28th - Oct 3rd 17:00 UTC+8) 🚩 Mini-game 2: Matchmaking (4 days: Oct 4th 17:01 - Oct 8th 17:00 UTC+8) 🏆 Leaderboard will be updated daily HERE! Important Notes: Mini-game 1 is extended till 17:00 Oct 3rd to let players have more time to master their skills on Pyxis. Kindly re-register to join Mini-game 2. Aura Team will manually validate the entries that users interact with Pyxis Safe. The final scores will be calculated by the Aura team. - Participants NEED to use test tokens in the corresponding network to complete the tasks: GUIDE HERE. - Players are encouraged to use the same wallet address as the previous Harmony games. READ THE FULL GUIDE TO JOIN PYXIS GAME HERE. 👇👇👇 START NOW 👇👇👇 Entry Methods: * Follow @AuraNetworkHQ on Twitter * Retweet @AuraNetworkHQ on Twitter * Tweet on Twitter * Join @AuraNetworkOfficial on Telegram * Join Aura Network Discord Channel * [First experience] A multisig transaction in Euphoria Testnet * [First experience] A multisig transaction in Theta Testnet * [First experience] A multisig transaction in Evmos Testnet * Register to join Mini-game 2: Matchmaking [NEW!] * Submit your Discord username for Mini-game 2: What is your Discord username? * [Matchmaking] Aura multisig transaction in Euphoria Testnet * [Matchmaking] A multisig transaction in Theta Testnet * [Matchmaking] A multisig transaction in Evmos Testnet * Submit your BEP-20 wallet address * Submit your wallet address in Euphoria Testnet * Submit your wallet address in Theta Testnet * Submit your wallet address in Evmos Testnet * Fix your answers: What are your correct owner wallet addresses? * Enter Secret Code