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Apply and Join Guardians of Arcanum Beta Test!
Guardians of Arcanum: Sneak Peek Unveiled! Apply through this gleam to become one of the beta testers of Guardians of Arcanum! Entry Methods: * Follow @goarcanum on Twitter * Retweet @goarcanum on Twitter * Follow @web3games on Twitter * Submit your Polygon Address * Visit Web3Games.com to sign/log in your Player ID: What's your Player ID? (@xxxx)
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Web3Games.com token($WGT) Community Round Whitelist
Our early supporters, including OG card holders, CryptoEmpire NFT players, POKAVZ NFT holders, W3Poker players, DeBeats players and participants in our official marketing campaigns for whitelists, are prioritized to claim their whitelists after accomplishing a few simple tasks: Entry Methods: * Follow @web3games on Twitter * Follow @CryptoEmpireNFT on Twitter * Follow @w3poker_com on Twitter * Follow @debeats_com on Twitter * Join our Discord * Join @web3gamesofficial on Telegram * What is your Web3Games Player ID?: What is your Web3Games Player ID? * Polygon wallet address: What is your Polygon wallet address?
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Christmas Gameplay Reward: Season 1 For Gameplayer
🎄🎉 Christmas Gameplay Reward 🧑‍🎄🎁 Season 1 For Gameplayer We are pleased to announce that we will be airdropping the Web3Games.com token ($WGT) as a special Christmas gift to all players who have played the games on our platform, including W3POKER, CryptoEmpire, and DEBEATS. 📅 Date: Dec 24th, 2023 ~ Jan 7th, 2024 💎 Rewards: 55,555 $WGT valued at around 10,000 USD RULES 1. Complete Gleam 2. Fill in your Player ID and Wallet Address 3. All participants who complete all the tasks will get airdrop PS. * Play any game among W3POKER, CryptoEmpire, or DEBEATS to get reward. We'll verify snapshots, any fraudulent behavior will result in the loss of the airdrop. Join our festive carnival and claim your gif! 🌟 Click for more details 🌟 🦌 Merry Christmas to everyone! ❄️✨ Entry Methods: * Follow @web3games on Twitter * Retweet @web3games on Twitter * Join our Discord Server * Join @web3gamesofficial on Telegram * Register Player ID on Web3Games Portal * Write down your Player ID username: What's your Player ID username * Your Polygon Address (0x00...00): Your Polygon Address * Upload any screenshots of the game
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GWG x Abyss World 空投活动
由Sui官方及微软支持的链游 Abyss World 最新活动来袭!参与游戏内 AI 角色对战竞猜活动赢 25万U 奖励!!💰💸 AbyssWorld 官方将举办为期一周的游戏内角色AI对战直播,让本次空投的「Fallen Eye」NFT(门票)持有者对比赛结果竞猜押注来获得积分,通过积分排名来瓜分价值25万美金奖池的奖励。 🎁奖池中的奖励有: 1、$AWC(主网上线后可兑换成代币$AWT) 2、 IDO 白名单 3、Genesis Gazer NFT 空投(底价为0.35E) 4、Alpha 测试通行证(将于六月发布) ⏳活动时间:2023年4月24日~4月26日 🙋🏻‍♀️活动规则:完成 Gleam 表单获得空投资格 🎁 福利一:参与本次活动并在表单留下 Sui 钱包地址有机会获得 Fallen Eye NFT(竞猜门票)空投,*88份,先到先得! 🎁 福利二:「Fallen Eye」NFT(门票)持有者对比赛结果竞猜押注来获得积分,通过积分排名来瓜分价值25万美金奖池的奖励。 欢迎关注参与哦~可加小姐姐微信进群(shelley_09) Entry Methods: * Follow @GWG_GameFi on Twitter * Follow @AbyssWorldHQ on Twitter * Retweet @GWG_GameFi on Twitter * Join Abyss World Discord * 留下你的 Sui 钱包地址(官方推荐 Ethos 或 Suiet): (*必填 没有 Sui 钱包地址将无法获得空投)
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Holiday Poker Time @W3POKER
Holiday Poker Time @W3POKER 📅 Date: 21st ~ 24th December 📍 Venue: @w3poker_com RULES 1. Complete Gleam 2. Download the App 3. Play W3POKER in Xmas-themed room 4. Share your screenshot/recording of playing: tag 3 friends, @w3poker_com, @web3games, #W3POKERXmas2022 Entry Methods: * Enter using Twitter * Follow @w3poker_com on Twitter * Retweet @w3poker_com on Twitter * Enter using Discord * Join our Discord Server * Your Ethereum/Polygon Address (0x00...00): Your Ethereum/Polygon Address * Answer a Question: What's your Player ID on our Portal? * Paste your tweet link: Post your tweet link of the Screenshot/recording * Download our app
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DEBEATS Xmas Warm-up Party
DEBEATS Xmas Warm-up Party 📅 Date: 20th ~ 25th December 📍 Venue: DEBEATS App RULES 1. Complete Gleam 2. Download the App on iOS / Android 3. Smash 3 Christmas Songs and unlock 2 Hidden Songs 4. Climb up the Leaderboard in 5 days to win the Headphone NFT! Entry Methods: * Enter using Twitter * Follow @debeats_com on Twitter * Retweet @debeats_com on Twitter * Enter using Discord * Join our Discord Server * Your Ethereum/Polygon Address (0x00...00): Your Ethereum/Polygon Address * Answer a Question: What's your Player ID on our Portal? * Download DEBEATS app
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2022 链游玩家大调查活动
🎉年末狂欢,2022 链游玩家大调查!说说你与链游的那些事儿,填问卷赢 GWG 周边和游戏 NFT 空投! 本活动由 SnapFingersDAO、W3POKER、Zeeverse 合作支持,GWG 小姐姐链游/NFT交流社区携华语优质链游社区 TSA、AngryRabbit 、STEPN真爱粉社区及 GameFi 数据分析平台 My MetaData 共同发起。 ⏳活动时间:2022年12月5日~12月19日 15:00 (北京时间) 🙋🏻‍♀️活动规则: 1、完成 Gleam 问卷抽 GWG 周边*15(Gleam表单内自动抽取) 2、完成 Gleam 表单并在活动推文下评论你对链游行业的看法/心得赢 USDT 奖金(抽取20人*5U💰) 3、参与各联合社区活动抽额外 GWG 周边(每社区5个名额) 4、参与合作方抽奖活动拿游戏 NFT 空投(价值上千U,将在GWG推特公告抽奖详情) 🎁参与本次活动可免费领取 OAT 徽章,另有 GWG 社群专属彩蛋抽奖环节 💤Sleepagotchi 的 Beta 版注册邀请码若干,注册即可直接赚取 欢迎关注参与哦~可加小姐姐微信进群(shelley_09) 你是懂链游的,点击开始答题👇 Entry Methods: * 1、你喜欢什么类型的游戏 ?: (直接填写1、2、3、4即可,若是其他选项可直接填写) * 2、你接触链游多久了?: (直接填写1、2、3、4即可,若是其他选项可直接填写) * 3、你玩这些游戏的主要原因是什么?: (直接填写1、2、3、4即可,若是其他选项可直接填写) * 4、你在链游里面赚了多少钱?: (直接填写1、2、3、4即可,若是其他选项可直接填写) * 5、你平均每天玩链游的时长有多久?: (直接填写1、2、3、4即可,若是其他选项可直接填写) * 6、你从什么途径了解最新的链游?: (直接填写1、2、3、4即可,若是其他选项可直接填写) * 7、你认为玩链游的困难点在哪儿?: (直接填写1、2、3、4即可,若是其他选项可直接填写) * 8、你最想参与链游项目的哪个阶段?: (直接填写1、2、3、4即可,若是其他选项可直接填写) * 9、你喜欢在什么设备上玩链游 ?: (直接填写1、2、3、4即可,若是其他选项可直接填写) * 10、你尝试过多少款链游? * 11、你坚持玩一款链游最长的时间有多久? * 12、你愿意花多少钱入场玩链游? * 13、拥有游戏NFT资产后,你能接受游戏产品多久上线? * 14、推荐1~3款你最喜欢的链游吧!: (请填空) * 在本条推文下评论你对链游行业的看法/心得以及你希望的链游是怎样的?(评论区挑选20位最佳评论者额外每人赠送💰5U)完成解锁任务并留下地址获得更丰厚的🎁福利 * 填写你的Erc20地址(0x开头) * Follow @GWG_GameFi on Twitter * Follow @SnapFingersDAO on Twitter * Follow @w3poker_com on Twitter * Follow @tsa_guild on Twitter * Follow @AngryRabbit888 on Twitter * Follow @MyMetadata_io on Twitter * Retweet @GWG_GameFi on Twitter * Join @GWG_GameFi on Telegram
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[W3POKER] 5000 Followers Giveaway
[W3POKER] 5000 Followers Giveaway 📅 Date: 2nd~5th December 📍 Venue: w3poker_com RULES 1. Like and RT the pinned tweet 2. Register Player ID on Portal 3. Download W3POKER APP and let's play! 🎉🎉🎉 Entry Methods: * Enter using Twitter * Follow @w3poker_com on Twitter * Retweet @w3poker_com on Twitter * Enter using Discord * Join our Discord Server * Your Ethereum/Polygon Address (0x00...00): Your Ethereum/Polygon Address * Register Player ID on Portal * Download our app
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Introducing POKAVZ - W3POKER Metaverse
Introducing POKAVZ - W3POKER Metaverse 📅 Date: 24th November 📍 Venue: W3POKER Twitter Space RULES 1. Complete Gleam 2. Add Link3 Event to your Calendar 3. Join in W3POKER Twitter Space 🥳🥳 Entry Methods: * Enter using Twitter * Follow @web3games on Twitter * Follow @w3poker_com on Twitter * Retweet @w3poker_com on Twitter * Enter using Discord * Join our Discord Server * Your Ethereum/Polygon Address (0x00...00): Your Ethereum/Polygon Address * Register Player ID on Portal * Add the event to your calendar
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[Twitter Space] W3POKER_APP CH1P Giveaway 📅 Date: 10th November 📍 Venue: W3POKER Twitter Space RULES 1. Complete Gleam 2. Add Link3 Event to your Calendar 3. Join W3POKER Twitter Space and stay over 20 mins Entry Methods: * Enter using Twitter * Follow @web3games on Twitter * Follow @w3poker_com on Twitter * Retweet @w3poker_com on Twitter * Enter using Discord * Join our Discord Server * Your Ethereum/Polygon Address (0x00...00): Your Ethereum/Polygon Address * Register Player ID on Portal * Add the event to your calendar
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Halloween Story Time
Halloween Story Time 📅 Date: 29th ~ 31st October 📍 Venue: CryptoEmpire Twitter RULES 1. Complete Gleam 2. Comment under the post with the spookiest story you have experienced or heard Entry Methods: * Enter using Twitter * Follow @web3games on Twitter * Follow @CryptoEmpireNFT on Twitter * Tweet With The #Halloween #Web3Games #TrickorTreat #CryptoEmpire * Enter using Discord * Join our Discord Server * Your Ethereum/Polygon Address (0x00...00): Your Ethereum/Polygon Address * Register a Player ID on Web3Games Portal
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Halloween Game Parade
Halloween Game Parade 📅 Date: 29th ~ 31st October 📍 Venue: W3POKER Twitter RULES 1. Complete Gleam 2. Comment under the post with your fav horror video game Entry Methods: * Enter using Twitter * Follow @web3games on Twitter * Follow @w3poker_com on Twitter * Tweet With The #Halloween #Web3Games #TrickorTreat #W3POKER * Enter using Discord * Join our Discord Server * Your Ethereum/Polygon Address (0x00...00): Your Ethereum/Polygon Address * Register a Player ID on Web3Games Portal
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Halloween Movie Night
Halloween Movie Night 📅 Date: 27th ~ 31st October 📍 Venue: DEBEATS Twitter RULES 1. Complete Gleam 2. Comment under the post with your fav horror movie trailer Entry Methods: * Enter using Twitter * Follow @web3games on Twitter * Follow @debeats_com on Twitter * Tweet With The #Halloween #Web3Games #TrickorTreat #DEBEATS * Enter using Discord * Join our Discord Server * Your Ethereum/Polygon Address (0x00...00): Your Ethereum/Polygon Address * Register a Player ID on Web3Games Portal
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W3POKER by Web3Games OAT Giveaway
W3POKER by Web3Games OAT Giveaway 📅 Date: 26th~28th October 📍 Venue: W3POKER Twitter RULES 1. Complete Gleam 2. Spread the news on social media Entry Methods: * Enter using Twitter * Retweet @w3poker_com on Twitter * Follow @w3poker_com on Twitter * Follow @web3games on Twitter * Enter using Discord * Join our Discord Server * Your Ethereum/Polygon Address (0x00...00): Your Ethereum/Polygon Address * Register Player ID on Portal
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DEBEATS Closed Beta Testing Invitation
DEBEATS Closed Beta Testing Invitation 📅 Date: 14th ~ 17th October 📍 Venue: debeats_com RULES 1. Complete Gleam 2. Like & Tag 3 friends 3. Share your fav artists and their songs, tag @debeats_com Entry Methods: * Enter using Twitter * Follow @debeats_com on Twitter * Retweet @debeats_com on Twitter * Follow @web3games on Twitter * Enter using Discord * Join our Discord Server * Your Ethereum/Polygon Address (0x00...00): Your Ethereum/Polygon Address * Answer a Question: What's your Player ID on our Portal?
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DEBEATS Closed Beta Testing Invitation
DEBEATS Closed Beta Testing Invitation 📅 Date: 11th ~ 25th October 👤 DEBEATER_CH1P owners 📍 Venue: debeats_com RULES 1. Complete Gleam 2. Spread the news on social media 3. Please make sure you provide the wallet address that has DEBEATER_CH1P and link to your Player ID Entry Methods: * Enter using Twitter * Follow @debeats_com on Twitter * Retweet @debeats_com on Twitter * Follow @web3games on Twitter * Enter using Discord * Join our Discord Server * Your Ethereum/Polygon Address (0x00...00): Your Ethereum/Polygon Address * Answer a Question: What's your Player ID on our Portal?
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DEBEATS by Web3Games OAT Giveaway
DEBEATS by Web3Games OAT Giveaway 📅 Date: 26th~28th September 📍 Venue: Web3Games Twitter RULES 1. Complete Gleam 2. Spread the news on social media Entry Methods: * Enter using Twitter * Retweet @web3games on Twitter * Follow @debeats_com on Twitter * Follow @web3games on Twitter * Enter using Discord * Join our Discord Server * Your Ethereum/Polygon Address (0x00...00): Your Ethereum/Polygon Address
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CryptoEmpire Beta Testing Invitation Campaign #03
CryptoEmpire Beta Testing Invitation Campaign Total Amount: 200 📅 Date: 23rd ~ 29th September 📍 Venue: Web3Games Social Media RULES 1. Complete Gleam 2. Spread the news on social media 3. Make sure to provide a valid Player ID and Wallet Address linked to it Entry Methods: * Enter using Twitter * Retweet @web3games on Twitter * Follow @CryptoEmpireNFT on Twitter * Follow @web3games on Twitter * Enter using Discord * Join our Discord Server * Answer a Question: What's your Player ID on our Portal? * Your Ethereum/Polygon Address (0x00...00): Your Ethereum/Polygon Address
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Web3Games ARCANUM_CH1P GIVEAWAY Total Amount: 1000 📅 Date: 29th July ⏰ Time: 4:00 AM UTC 📍 Venue: Web3Games Discord RULES 1. Complete Gleam 2. Attend AMA on July 29th 3. Do a Quiz on Google Form at the end of the AMA 4. Fill in your Discord ID and Wallet Address in the Google form 5. The first 1000 attendees who get ALL CORRECT at 8 questions will be eligible. (FCFS) PS. *8 multiple choice (ABC) questions in the quiz *All questions will be based on Guardians of Arcanum *The answers will be explained in AMA Entry Methods: * Enter using Twitter * Retweet @web3games on Twitter * Follow @web3games on Twitter * Enter using Discord * Join our Discord * Your Ethereum/Polygon Address (0x00...00): Your Ethereum/Polygon Address
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W3POKER Beta Testing Giveaway
W3POKER Beta Testing Giveaway 📅 Date: 17th Aug ~ 21st Aug 📍 Venue: Web3Games Twitter RULES 1. Complete all tasks on Gleam 2. Fill in your Player ID and Wallet Address connected to it 3. Fill in your email that's used to subscribe to our Twitter Newsletter 4. All participants who complete all the tasks will join the lottery automatically PS. * Winners in the lottery will get the invitation to join the Beta Testing of W3POKER. * Winners will be granted a W3POKER Beta Tester role on our Discord. Entry Methods: * Enter using Twitter * Retweet @web3games on Twitter * Follow @web3games on Twitter * Enter using Telegram * Join @web3gamesofficial on Telegram * Enter using Discord * Join our Discord Server * Subscribe our Newsletter * Register Player ID on Web3Games Portal * Write down your Player ID username: What's your Player ID username * Your Ethereum/Polygon Address (0x00...00): Your Ethereum/Polygon Address