Path of Exile 2 Early Access Giveaway by SirMariio

Giveaway image 1Giveaway image blurred 1
Started at:11/27/2024 12:00 AM
Ended at:12/2/2024 02:59 AMEnded
Offered by:SirMariio


Enter for a chance to win Path of Exile 2 Early Access for PC.

Giveaway winner will be rewarded with 1 Key to Access Path of Exile 2 Early Access.

You must be a subscriber of SirMariio on Youtube

and follow SirMariio on Twitch for a chance to win.

Winner will be announced on SirMariio Youtube and Twitch.

The winner will be contacted exclusively via email. I will NEVER reach out through any other method. I will request the winner's Twitch username and YouTube account for confirmation via email.

Entry Methods:

  • Follow sirmariio on Twitch
  • Visit SirMariio on YouTube


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