StrayShot - Telegram Giveaway
We're rewarding our most engaged community members with cash prizes every week!
In addition to the cash prizes we're also giving away 1 Telegram Premium (3 months of Premium!) subscriptions each week.
The final score and the winners will be calculated by checking the top ones on the Gleam leaderboard and the most engaged active members on Telegram by number of messages sent and other engagement metrics.
In case of tie score winners will be raffled.
Make sure you enter your details correctly so that we can contact you to deliver your prizes which will then be sent to your IN-GAME WALLET.
Make sure you installed and opened the StrayShot game launcher on your PC because then it is when your wallet is generated!
Prizes are distributed within 1 week, so make sure you reach out to our moderators in time or you might lose it!
Entry Methods:
- Click here to start - Unlock other ways to enter
- Follow Strayshotgame on X
- Repost StrayShotGame on X
- Post on X
- Visit strayshotgame on Instagram
- Follow strayshotgame on Twitch
- Visit This Page to Enter:
- Visit StrayShot on YouTube
- Visit StrayShot | Dubai on Facebook