X Edge of NFT Giveaway

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Offered by: Edge of NFT
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Enter Giveaway has partnered with Edge Of NFT to give away a total of:

500 MATIC!

Total Valued at ~ 575 USD

Ten (10) Winners of 50 MATIC each

All Participants Recieve a Limited Edition NFT LA Community Week NFT!

What is is a revolutionary platform that brings the thrill of sports fantasy management to users worldwide. They utilize blockchain technology to provide transparency and security in predicting sports outcomes while offering a vibrant community experience!

๐Ÿ† Predictive Gaming: Users can make predictions on various sporting events and earn MCN tokens for correct guesses, adding an exciting element of competition to sports fandom.
๐Ÿ’ฐ In-Game Economy: features a sustainable in-game economy where MCN tokens can be used for in-game purchases or potentially exchanged for real money, enhancing the gaming experience.
๐ŸŒ Global Community: With players from over 100 countries, fosters a diverse and engaging community where sports fans can connect, compete, and forge friendships based on their shared passion for sports.


๐ŸŽช is offering a FREE limited edition NFT to who signs up for this giveaway! This isn't just any NFT โ€“ it's your ticket to becoming a part of an exclusive community, enjoying special privileges, and having unique experiences that only Maincard can provide at the NFT LA Community Week starting on March 25! ๐Ÿคน

๐Ÿ“„ Guideline for Earning Points

All tasks marked Mandatory have to be completed to qualify! Remember that completing more tasks increases your chances of winning - So check off all the tasks to maximize your chances! ๐Ÿ’ฏ

1. ๐Ÿšจ Follow our frens at @MaincardGame on Twitter. [Mandatory]

2. ๐Ÿšจ Quote and retweet this giveaway on the @EdgeofNFT Twitter and tag three (3) friends who would appreciate the chance to win the prize too! [Mandatory]

...sharing is caring!

3. ๐ŸšจSign up for a account (Get a Limited Edition NFT LA Collectible FREE!) [Mandatory]

4. Join the Telegram Group [Mandatory]

5. Follow the Edge of NFT on Apple Podcasts!

6. Subscribe to the Edge of NFT on YouTube!

When you unlock the last task, it will generate a unique link through which all your referrals will get credited. Remember, referrals must be entered through your unique link before you get credited for points! If you win, you'll need to provide your EVM address to accept the MATIC.

For the best contest experience, we recommend using Google Chrome.

Let's keep in touch: If you want to stay on the edge and learn about our latest episodes, drops, and news, subscribe to our newsletter!

Entry Methods:

  • Follow @MaincardGame on Twitter
  • Retweet @EdgeofNFT on Twitter
  • Sign up for a account and get a Limited Edition NFT LA Collectible!:
  • Join @maincard_official on Telegram
  • Subscribe to the Edge of NFT on Apple Podcasts
  • Visit Edge of NFT Podcast & Outer Edge L.A. on YouTube
  • Refer Friends For Extra Entries