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Offered by: Pisces
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Use ChatGPT or other AI Tool to re-create 'Pisces' and post tweets, which are able to include pictures/stories, etc

'Pisces' is an NFT work series presented by Artist Baishui. The NFT work 'Pisces' aims to explore the relationship between the universe and human beings with you. We hope to build a storytelling NFT. Everyone can use AI to express their stories of nature, love and life.

⏰ Time:

2022/12/07 10:00 - 2022/12/17 24:00 (UTC+8)

📍 Rules:

1. Follow Pisces Twitter

2. RT campaign tweet
3. tweet specific content

3. Join Pisces Discord: https://discord.gg/aCWMDcFWE8

4. Post a Re-creation tweet including #AIGC #Pisces #ChatGPT @PiscesBaishui on Twitter

✅ Judging:

Comprehensive ranking by Twitter's likes+comments+Retweet

1 like = 1vote,

1 comment = 2votes,

1 retweet = 3votes

1 quote tweet = 4 votes

🎁 Rewards:

300 USDT + 30 WL (Free Mint NFT)

1st(1 person): 50USDT + 1 WL

2nd(2 people): 40USDT + 1WL

3rd(3 people): 30USDT + 1WL

Ramdon: 80USDT+ 24WL

the prize will be released on discord, so don't forget to join.

Entry Methods:

  • Follow @PiscesBaishui on Twitter
  • Retweet @PiscesBaishui on Twitter
  • Tweet on Twitter
  • post an AIGC tweet