‘Gear To The Extreme’ - 成為 「精工重裝」的極限玩家
Started at:11/26/2024 04:00 PM
Ends at:1/1/2025 07:59 AM
Offered by:ASUS ROG
請發布一則使用「精工重裝」濾鏡的限時動態 並完成以下步驟贏得大獎!
• 限時動態內文需附上 #GoExtremeWithROG 標籤
• 於限時動態中標註 @asusrog 跟 @一位朋友
*提醒您,請記得將帳號設置為 公開 以利內部團隊確認您所發布的內容*
• 限時動態內文需附上 #GoExtremeWithROG 標籤
• 於限時動態中標註 @asusrog 跟 @一位朋友
*提醒您,請記得將帳號設置為 公開 以利內部團隊確認您所發布的內容*
Entry Methods:
- 於 Instagram 追蹤 @asusrog:
- 按讚抽獎公告貼文:
- 請發布一則限時動態並使用「精工重裝」濾鏡
- Upload a File
- 與朋友分享此活動即可獲得額外中獎機會
- 加入並成為 ROG Elite 會員
- 觀看 ‘Making the Extreme Series’ 官方影片並留言:
- 造訪 ROG Azoth Extreme 產品官網頁面: ROG Azoth Extreme 右上方的 OLED 觸控顯示器尺寸為
- 造訪 ROG Harpe Ace Extreme 產品官網頁面: ROG Harpe Ace Extreme 的重量為
- 請說明您最喜歡的產品特點或功能: 留下您最喜歡的 Azoth Extreme / Harpe Ace Extreme 的產品特點或功能以獲得額外中獎機會!
- 每日點閱活動官網以獲得額外積分
MEXC X 酷可實驗室:抽超跑-玩法解讀與策略大揭曉 AMA
抽超跑活動 - 披露如何參加!分享您的最佳交易秘訣以獲得20 USDT獎金!追蹤社交媒體帳號並設立提醒。
⭐️RWA 儲值交易活動重磅來襲⭐️
Participate in RWA top-up trading event to win from a 250 USDT prize pool! Follow simple entry methods to join before December 9, 23:59 (UTC+8). Join now!
Participate in MAJOR recharge trading event to win a share of 500 MAJOR prize pool! Follow specific steps to enter before the deadline.
Participate in the SUPRA recharge trading event to win a share of 35187.5 SUPRA prize pool. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity!
Join the KIMA top-up trading event now and stand a chance to win from the $250 USDT prize pool by completing tasks like trading and following official channels before December 3rd!
'GEAR TO THE EXTREME' - Go Extreme with Exquisite Builds
Enter to win the ultimate gaming gear by ASUS ROG! Participate in the "Exquisite Builds" Instagram story challenge for a chance to win. Join now for an extreme gaming experience!
Megabit 感恩月 $USDT 狂欢派送 | 幸运抽奖等你来!
CoinW 七周年 Day 3 福利来袭!
Celebrate CoinW's 7th anniversary with Day 3 giveaway! Answer 7 questions for a chance to win 50 USDT. Three lucky winners will also receive 5,000 USDT each to kickstart their trading journey on PropW. Participate now!
CoinW 七周年 Day 6 福利来袭!
CoinW 七周年 Day 6 福利来袭!50 USDT × 5人奖励知识测验,3人可获得5,000 USDT交易资金.关注 @CoinWZH 参与活动赢取丰厚奖品!
'GEAR TO THE EXTREME' - Go Extreme with Esports Performance
'Win Esports Performance Gear' - Enter to win exclusive ROG gaming gear by participating in an Instagram story challenge. Follow the steps for a chance to win!