American Adventure: A Christian Historical Romance Giveaway
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Four Authors with Stories That Mix Faith, Danger, and Love in Historical America
Enter to win stories from Christian Historical Fiction novelists Crystal Caudill, Alena Mentink, Naomi Rawlings, and Penny Zeller. The stories sweep from Wyoming to Alaska to Pennsylvania to Nebraska and are set throughout the 1870s-1890s. Danger closes in on characters, testing and refining their faith in God, all while love sneaks its way into their hearts.
- First Place Prize: A signed copy of Counterfeit Faith by Crystal Caudill, a signed copy of A Choice of Love by Alena Mentink, and a signed copy of Dreams of the Heart by Penny Zeller. (Only for US mailing addresses)
- Second Place Prize: An e-copy of Whispers on the Tide by Naomi Rawlings (International readers welcome)
Entry Methods:
- American Adventure: A Christian Historical Romance Giveaway #giveaway #win
- Follow Crystal on Facebook
- Follow Penny on BookBub
- Follow Alena on Amazon