A Pretend Visit to the White House

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Not that I'm advocating being a liar, but...I am a big fan of imagination. And if you have props, that's even easier to do! That's why I'm giving away some magical items, one that's priceless: a group of verrrry, verrry exclusive tea bags (from Barneys, no less), a soap leaf dispenser (perfect for washing your hands when everyone is sick, and--tadah!--a paper towelette directly from a restroom at the White House! Here's the scenario: You're invited to a swanky holiday tea party at the WH. You slip into the restroom, use your fancy soap leaves, and dry your hands on a WH towelette before joining other *famous people* (like you) for a cuppa tea! Can you play along? I hope so!

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  • A Pretend Visit to the White House #giveaway #win