$25 Amazon gift card

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Started at:11/24/2024 05:00 AM
Ends at:12/5/2024 05:00 AM
    Giftcards & Cash


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$25 Amazon gift card
Win a $25 Amazon gift card by entering this giveaway. Free entry by following the blog, adding a book on Goodreads, and tweeting about the event.
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$25 Amazon gift card
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$25 Amazon gift card
Win a $25 Amazon gift card by entering this giveaway! Subscribe, follow, tweet, and add the book on Goodreads to increase your chances of winning.
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$10 Amazon gift card + copy of SERPENTINA
Enter to win a $10 Amazon gift card and a copy of SERPENTINA by Faith Consiglio. Multiple ways to enter!
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Enter to win a copy of the book "Love Between Times" by Beth Ford. Free entry methods available!
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x paperback copies of Murder at Pelican Lake
Win x paperback copies of Murder at Pelican Lake by Marjorie Mathison Hance. Enter for free to win this thrilling mystery novel!
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Paperback copy of Elf Against the Wall
Win a paperback copy of Elf Against the Wall by Alina Jacobs. Enter to win through various methods. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity!
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$25 Amazon gift card
Enter to win a $25 Amazon gift card by participating in various methods such as following on Instagram, Twitter, and Goodreads. Just added to the Goodreads book list!
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$20 Amazon gift card
Enter for a chance to win an exciting prize by following the entry methods listed on the page, including free entry, social media engagement, and more!
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$15 Amazon gift card
Win a $15 Amazon gift card by entering this giveaway! Follow the provided entry methods to participate and increase your chances of winning. Good luck!