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All Giveaways by MEXC

Blumen waren gestern - heute schenkt man Kryptos
21 hours
🚨 Vergiss Blumen – teile Krypto-Humor zum Valentinstag! 💘 Der Valentinstag steht vor der Tür – Zeit für originelle, lustige Krypto-Memes! 😍 🗓 Event-Zeitraum: 14. bis 17. Februar 2025 🎁 Belohnung: Die 5 besten Memes gewinnen je 20 USDT Futures Bonus! So machst du mit: 1️⃣ Folge @MEXC_DE auf X 2️⃣ Teile ein kreatives Meme, das Krypto & Valentinstag verbindet (z. B. „I'll make you mine“ mit Bitcoin schürfenden Paaren). 3️⃣ Nutze die Hashtags #MEXCValentinstag & #CryptoLove und tagge @MEXC_DE Zeig uns, wie romantisch (oder verwirrend) Krypto sein kann! 😅 #Valentinstag #Krypto #MEXC Entry Methods: * Folge @MEXC_DE auf X * Repost @MEXC_DE auf X * Like diesen Post: * Trete @mexcdach auf Telegram bei * Trete @MEXC_DE auf Telegram bei * Folge Uns auf Instagram: * Folge @mexc.dach auf TikTok * Deine MEXC UID: Wie lautet deine MEXC UID? * Dein X-Link: Teile hier deinen X-Link zu deinem MEME-Post
Jeu de détente du weekend
3 days
👀 QUEL EST LE LOGO DU PROJET QUE VOUS VOYEZ ICI ? 🌟 🍭 Comment participer: 🔹 Mettez à contribution votre sens de l'observation et devinez la pièce mystère🧐 cachée derrière cette image.🦚 🔹 Postez votre réponse dans les commentaires de X 🔹 Remplissez le formulaire 🎁Cagnotte totale: 50 USDT (10x5 USDT) ⏰ Date : du 16 février 2025 au 19 février 2025 🕵️‍♂️Montrez-nous vos talents de détective et tentez votre chance💰 Entry Methods: * Suivez @MEXCFrancophone sur X * Repostez @MEXCFrancophone sur X * Aimez ce post et tagez 3 amis: * Rejoignez @MEXCFrancophone sur Telegram * Rejoignez @MEXCFrancophonews sur Telegram * Votre UID MEXC: Quel est votre UID MEXC ? * Nom d'utilisateur X: Nom d'utilisateur X
CATTON Preisschätzungsevent
Ended 3 hours ago
🌟 Das CATTON Preisschätzungsevent ist da🌟 Schätze den Schlusskurs von $CATTON für den 17.02.25, um 20:00 Uhr und gewinne Preispool: 2.000.000 $CATTON (5 x 400.000 $CATTON) So nimmst Du teil: 1️⃣ Erledige die Gleam Aufgaben. 2️⃣ Teile, Like und Kommentiere deine CATTON Preisschätzung auf X ⏰ Zeitraum: 14. Februar- 16. Februar 💥 Nutze die Gelegenheit, tolle Belohnungen zu gewinnen! Entry Methods: * Folge @MEXC_DE auf X * Repost @MEXC_DE auf X * Like diesen Post: * Trete @mexcdach auf Telegram bei * Trete @MEXC_DE auf Telegram bei * Folge Uns auf Instagram: * Folge @mexc.dach auf TikTok * Schau Dir unsere Event an: * Deine MEXC UID: Wie lautet deine MEXC UID? * CATTON Preis: Schätze den CATTON Schlusskurs für den 17.02.2025, um 20:00 Uhr (MEZ)
Iceuve y Cripto Ted en MEXC
25 days
🔥 Se viene un GRAN AMA con Iceuve y Cripto Ted, estaremos escuchando sus opiniones y respondiendo las preguntas de la comunidad en vivo! todo lo que quieres saber de lo que está sucediendo en el mercado cripto en un AMA!🔥 🎁 Participa de estas tareas previo al AMA para precalentar motores y lograr que TU pregunta sea parte de este AMA. 📝Haz tu pregunta y completa las siguientes tareas, para ganar tantos puntos como sea posible. Cuanto mejor sea la pregunta y más puntos tengas más posibilidades de que aparezca en el AMA. Entry Methods: * Sigue a @MEXCespanol en X * Retuitea a @MEXCespanol en X * Únete a @MEXCSpanish en Telegram * Siguenos en Instagram: ¿Tu perfil de Instagram? * ¿Cuál es tu pregunta nuestro para nuestros invitados?: ¿Cuál es tu pregunta para nuestros invitados?
Giveaway de Anlog!
6 days
💌 Selecionaremos as 5 melhores respostas do porque comprar ANLOG e distribuiremos 1,800 tokens para cada! 🍀 ANLOG chegou na MEXC! Nos dê o melhor motivo para comprar ANLOG e divida 9,000 ANLOG! Concorra a 50,000 USDT em bonus e 2,900,000 ANLOG no link: Como participar: 1️⃣ Siga @MEXC_Portuguese e entre no TG: 2️⃣ Curte, commente e dê retweet neste post! 3️⃣ Nos dê um bom motivo para comprar Anlog! 4️⃣ Marque dois amigos! 4️⃣ Preecha o formulário! 🤠 Selecionaremos 5 pessoas para compartilhar 9,000 Anlog! ⏰ Período: 17/02/2025 - 22/02/2025 Entry Methods: * Siga @mexc_portuguese no X * Repost @mexc_portuguese no X * Refer Friends For Extra Entries * Entrar no @MEXCPortugal no Telegram * Entrar no @MEXC_Portuguese no Telegram * O SEU UID DE MEXC (8 DIGITAIS): O SEU UID DE MEXC (8 DIGITAIS) * Por que está bullish em ANLOG?: Por que está bullish em ANLOG?
2 days
⭐️MEXC x $SHIRO Giveaway⭐️ Complete the tasks to participate in the lucky draw! Trade $SHIRO here: 🎁Prize Pool - =1,000 USDT ⏳Event Time Feb 14 - 18, 11:59 (UTC) 🪄 Reward distribution rules Top 1 user will get 100 USDT; Top 2 - 3 users will get each 50 USDT; 80 lucky users will be randomly selected to win 10 USDT from those who have completed the tasks. 📥 Reward Distribution Rewards will be issued to the winners' MEXC accounts within 14 working days after the event ends. 🏅Winners Announcement The winner announcement will be made here 5 days after the event ends. 📲 Download MEXC and Sign Up This event is exclusive to MEXC users and a valid MEXC User ID is required. Sign up now! ⚠️ Rules and Regulations To participate, users must have a minimum of 30 USDT worth of assets in their MEXC account during the event period. Each person is limited to a single chance in the lucky draw. Registering multiple accounts to participate in the event or engaging in other fraudulent activities will result in disqualification. MEXC team has the authority to make the final decision about this event. By participating in this event, you acknowledge and accept the rules and regulations outlined. Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Telegram | Discord | YouTube Entry Methods: * Visit This Page to Enter: * Follow MEXC_Official on X * Follow shiro on X * Repost MEXC_Official on X * Join @MEXCEnglish on Telegram * Join @Shiro_Community on Telegram * Q1: What Layer 2 Will Alkso Have Shiro Neko In the Near Future? * Q2: What rewards will be available for Shiro Neko soon? * Q3. The Mascot for Shiro is a? * Your MEXC UID: What Is Your MEXC UID? (8 digits) * Refer Friends For Extra Entries
MEXC x DIN Token Airdrop Event is
4 days
MEXC X DINSPREAD THE WORD Join now to share in the 1,000 USDT BONUS prize pool! A total of 600 usdt bonus will be distributed among 30 lucky users, and 400 bonus among 40 additional users who join the Token Airdrop Event via the official social media link! Event Duration: Feb 14 10:00 - Feb. 20 11: 59 (UTC) Click Here To Visit MEXC ⚠️ Rules and Regulations: 1. Eligibility: To participate, users must have a minimum of 30 USDT worth of assets in their MEXC account during the event period. 2. Winner selection: Winners will be randomly selected. Each participant is allowed one entry for the entire event, regardless of how many times they engage. 3. Fraudulent Activities: Creating multiple accounts or any other form of fraudulent behavior will result in immediate disqualification from the event. 4. Prize Distribution: The prize distribution will be random, with 600USDT Bonusto be distributed among 30 users, and 400USDT Bonus among 40 users. 5. Final Decision: The MEXC team holds the authority to make final decisions regarding the event and its distribution. 6. Acknowledgment: By participating, you acknowledge and accept the above rules and regulations. Entry Methods: * Visit DIN Airdrop+ Event & Join Now!: * Repost MEXC_Listings on X * Follow MEXC_Listings on X * Follow MEXC_Official on X * Follow din_lol_ on X * Join @MEXCEnglish on Telegram * Join @MEXCofficialNews on Telegram * What is your MEXC UID?: What is your MEXC UID? * Viral Share
STORY IP con El Vanvas
24 days
🔥 Se viene el AMA de STORY IP, todo lo que querias saber en nuestro AMA!🔥 🎁 Participa de estas tareas previo al AMA para precalentar motores y obtener premios por 50 IP. 📝Haz tu pregunta y completa las siguientes tareas, para ganar tantos puntos como sea posible. Cuanto mejor sea la pregunta y más puntos tengas más posibilidades de ganar. Entry Methods: * Tu UID de MEXC: ¿Cuál es tu UID MEXC? * Sigue a @MEXCespanol en X * Retuitea a @MEXCespanol en X * Únete a @MEXCSpanish en Telegram * Siguenos en Instagram: ¿Tu perfil de Instagram? * ¿Cuál es tu pregunta nuestro para nuestro invitado?: ¿Cuál es tu pregunta para El Vanvas?
MEXC x STORY Yatırım Alım Satım Etkinliği
Ended 1 day ago
MEXC X STORY HERKESLE PAYLAŞIN MEXC x STORY Yatırma ve İşlem Etkinliğini Şimdi Paylaşın! Ekstra 60 STORY ödül havuzunu paylaşın! (20 şanslı kullanıcı) Etkinlik Süresi: 12 Şubat - 15 Şubat 23:59 (UTC +03:00) MEXC'yi ziyaret etmek için buraya tıklayın Entry Methods: * X'da MEXC_TR hesabını takip et * X'da @MEXC_TR hesabını retweetle * Telegram'da @MEXCTurkce kanalına katıl * Etkinliği Ziyaret Edin: * MEXC UID'nizi yazın: MEXC UID'nizi yazın
PT AMA BERA: Pergunte-me qualquer coisa!
3 days
🥳 Adivinhe o preço mais alto e ganhe 1.000.000 CATTON 💰 🎉Ainda pode ganhar 2,600,000,000 CATTON & 50,000 USDT na atividade: Como participar: 1️⃣ Siga @MEXC_Portuguese e entre no TG grupo: 2️⃣ Curte, commente e dê retweet neste post! Preveja o preço mais alto no comentário! 3️⃣ Marque dois amigos que são traders também! 4️⃣ Preeche o formulário 🤠 Selecionaremos 2 pessoas para compartilhar 2.000.000 CATTON! ⏰ Período: 13/02/2025 - 19/02/2025 Entry Methods: * Siga @mexc_portuguese no X * Repost @mexc_portuguese no X * Refer Friends For Extra Entries * Entrar no @MEXCPortugal no Telegram * Entrar no @MEXC_Portuguese no Telegram * O SEU UID DE MEXC (8 DIGITAIS): O SEU UID DE MEXC (8 DIGITAIS) * adivinhe o preço mais alto de CATTON: adivinhe o preço mais alto de CATTON
MEXC x Memhash AMA
Ended 3 days ago
2,000 USDT IS READY FOR YOU! MEXC will host an X Space with Memhash on FEb 14th at 11:00 (UTC) to discuss Memhash: Revolutionizing GameFi and Blockchain with Telegram Mini-Apps RULES FOR REWARD DISTRIBUTION ============================= 🎁 1,000 USDT for Lucky X space users During the Twitter Space, 50 lucky online users will be randomly selected, and each will receive a reward of 20 USDT ! 🎁 800 USDT for Gleam Top Users Top 50 users signed up for gleam and completed all the tasks will share 800 USDT 🎁 200 USDT for 5 Best Questions Up to 5 questions will be picked by the MEXC TEAM and to be answered during the Space. * Simply comment your question under the Twitter post. * Those whose question got picked will get 40USDT each. ============================= Entry Methods: * Set a reminder!: * Repost MEXC_Listings on X * Follow MEXC_Listings on X * Follow MEXC_Official on X * Follow memhash_app on X * Join @MEXCofficialNews on Telegram * Join @MEXCEnglish on Telegram * Please enter your MEXC UID: Your MEXC UID * Viral Share
MEXC Crypto Wednesday - 0 Fees Trading & Win 1,000 USDT Prize!
3 days
Complete the tasks to participate in the lucky draw! Ready to enjoy 0 fees Trading and earn rewards? Here’s how to grab your slice of the $1,000 prize pool! ⏳ February 12th - February 19th 🎯 How to participate: 1. Show your profits from trading any 0 Fees tokens futures in the MEXC official community: 2. Complet gleam tasks and submit your information via gleam 🎁 Prize Breakdown: 💥 $400 Spot Rewards: 20 lucky winners, $20 each! 💥 $600 Futures Bonus: 60 lucky winners, $10 each! 📅 Winners announced Within 7 days after the event ends! Entry Methods: * Join @MEXC_ENofficial on Telegram * Join @MEXCEnglish on Telegram * Join @MEXC_ENchannel on Telegram * Join @MEXCofficialNews on Telegram * Your message link of the PNL Event participation: Show your profits from trading any 0 Fees tokens futures in the group. press “copy message link” on the message and paste the link here * What Is Your MEXC UID?: What Is Your MEXC UID? (8 digits) * Refer Friends For Extra Entries
MEXC x SHELL Airdrop+ Event
3 days
MEXC X SHELL TOKENSPREAD THE WORD Join now to share in the 500 USDT prize pool! A total of 500 USDT will be distributed among 50 users who join Airdrop+ Event via the official social media link! Event Duration: Feb 13 12:00 - Feb 19 23:59 (UTC) ⚠️ Rules and Regulations: 1. Eligibility: To participate, users must have a minimum of 30 USDT worth of assets in their MEXC account during the event period. 2. Winner selection: Winners will be randomly selected. Each participant is allowed one entry for the entire event, regardless of how many times they engage. 3. Fraudulent Activities: Creating multiple accounts or any other form of fraudulent behavior will result in immediate disqualification from the event. 4. Prize Distribution: The prize distribution will be random, with 600USDT to be distributed among 30 users, and 400USDT among 40 users. 5. Final Decision: The MEXC team holds the authority to make final decisions regarding the event and its distribution. 6. Acknowledgment: By participating, you acknowledge and accept the above rules and regulations. Click Here To Visit MEXC Entry Methods: * Visit SHELL Token Airdrop Event & Join Now!: * Repost mexc_listings on X * Follow MEXC_Listings on X * Follow MEXC_Official on X * Follow myshell_ai on X * Join @MEXCEnglish on Telegram * Join @MEXCofficialNews on Telegram * What is your MEXC UID?: What is your MEXC UID? * Viral Share
MEXC x IP Launchpool & Airdrop+ Event
2 days
MEXC X STORY IPSPREAD THE WORD Join now to share in the 100 IP prize pool! A total of 60 IP will be distributed among 40 lucky users, and 40 IP among 40 additional users who join the launchpool Event via the official social media link! Event Duration: FEB, 12:00 (UTC) - FEB 18, 11:59 (UTC) Click Here To Visit MEXC ⚠️ Rules and Regulations: 1. Eligibility: To participate, users must have a minimum of 30 USDT worth of assets in their MEXC account during the event period. 2. Winner selection: Winners will be randomly selected. Each participant is allowed one entry for the entire event, regardless of how many times they engage. 3. Fraudulent Activities: Creating multiple accounts or any other form of fraudulent behavior will result in immediate disqualification from the event. 4. Prize Distribution: The prize distribution will be random 5. Final Decision: The MEXC team holds the authority to make final decisions regarding the event and its distribution. 6. Acknowledgment: By participating, you acknowledge and accept the above rules and regulations. Entry Methods: * Visit APT Launchpool Event & Join Now!: * Repost MEXC_Listings on X * Follow MEXC_Listings on X * Follow MEXC_Official on X * Follow StoryProtocol on X * Join @MEXCEnglish on Telegram * Join @MEXCofficialNews on Telegram * What is your MEXC UID?: What is your MEXC UID? * Viral Share
Faça perguntas sobre $IP!
Ended 2 days ago
📣 Estão animados para nosso AMA com Carol D e Serafim? Que tal dividir 80 $IP em recompensas? 🥳 Juntem-se a nós às 18h UTC-3 (horário de brasília) no dia 14/02/2025! 💰 💌 Selecionaremos as 5 melhores perguntas para responder em AMA e oferecemos cada um 10 USDT! 🍀 🎉Como participar: preencha o formulário! 🚀 Também temos mais 20 $IP USDT para quem participar do AMA: 🎉 Participe no nosso evento de STORY $IP para ganhar mais 60,000 $IP em bônus! Launchpool: Descubra novas oportunidades de token, ganhe recompensas | MEXC Entry Methods: * Siga @mexc_portuguese no X * Repost @mexc_portuguese no X * Refer Friends For Extra Entries * Entrar no @MEXCPortugal no Telegram * Entrar no @MEXC_Portuguese no Telegram * O SEU UID DE MEXC (8 DIGITAIS): O SEU UID DE MEXC (8 DIGITAIS) * O que quer saber sobre STORY?: O que quer saber sobre STORY?
Ended 4 days ago
1,000 USDT IS READY FOR YOU! MEXC will host an X Space with KOII on FEb 13th at 111:00 (UTC) to discuss Decentralized AI and Community-Driven Supercomputing with Koii Network RULES FOR REWARD DISTRIBUTION ============================= 🎁 500 USDT for Lucky X space users During the Twitter Space, 50 lucky online users will be randomly selected, and each will receive a reward of 10 USDT ! 🎁 300 USDT for Gleam Top Users Top 30 users signed up for gleam and completed all the tasks will share 300 USDT 🎁 200 USDT for 5 Best Questions Up to 5 questions will be picked by the MEXC TEAM and to be answered during the Space. * Simply comment your question under the Twitter post. * Those whose question got picked will get 40USDT each. ============================= Entry Methods: * Set a reminder!: * Repost MEXC_Official on X * Follow MEXC_Listings on X * Follow MEXC_Official on X * Follow KoiiFoundation on X * Join @MEXCofficialNews on Telegram * Join @MEXCEnglish on Telegram * Please enter your MEXC UID: Your MEXC UID * Viral Share
MEXC x DIAM Token Airdrop Event is
2 days
MEXC X DIAMSPREAD THE WORD Join now to share in the 25,000 DIAM prize pool! A total of 15,000 DIAM will be distributed among 30 lucky users, and 10,000 DIAM among 40 additional users who join the Token Airdrop Event via the official social media link! Event Duration: Feb 13 10:00 - Feb. 19 11: 59 (UTC) Click Here To Visit MEXC ⚠️ Rules and Regulations: 1. Eligibility: To participate, users must have a minimum of 30 USDT worth of assets in their MEXC account during the event period. 2. Winner selection: Winners will be randomly selected. Each participant is allowed one entry for the entire event, regardless of how many times they engage. 3. Fraudulent Activities: Creating multiple accounts or any other form of fraudulent behavior will result in immediate disqualification from the event. 4. Prize Distribution: The prize distribution will be random, with 600USDT Bonusto be distributed among 30 users, and 400USDT Bonus among 40 users. 5. Final Decision: The MEXC team holds the authority to make final decisions regarding the event and its distribution. 6. Acknowledgment: By participating, you acknowledge and accept the above rules and regulations. Entry Methods: * Visit DIAM Token Airdrop Event & Join Now!: * Repost MEXC_Listings on X * Follow MEXC_Listings on X * Follow MEXC_Official on X * Follow diamante_io on X * Join @MEXCEnglish on Telegram * Join @MEXCofficialNews on Telegram * Viral Share * What is your MEXC UID?: What is your MEXC UID?
MEXC x G7 Airdrop+ Event
2 days
MEXC X G7SPREAD THE WORD Join now to share in the 1,000 USDT prize pool! A total of 400 will be distributed among 40 lucky users, and 600 USDT among 120 additional users who join the Token Airdrop Event via the official social media link! Event Duration: Feb 12 06:00 - Feb 18 11: 59 (UTC) Click Here To Visit MEXC ⚠️ Rules and Regulations: 1. Eligibility: To participate, users must have a minimum of 30 USDT worth of assets in their MEXC account during the event period. 2. Winner selection: Winners will be randomly selected. Each participant is allowed one entry for the entire event, regardless of how many times they engage. 3. Fraudulent Activities: Creating multiple accounts or any other form of fraudulent behavior will result in immediate disqualification from the event. 4. Prize Distribution: The prize distribution will be random 5. Final Decision: The MEXC team holds the authority to make final decisions regarding the event and its distribution. 6. Acknowledgment: By participating, you acknowledge and accept the above rules and regulations. Entry Methods: * Visit G7Token Airdrop Event & Join Now!: * Repost MEXC_Listings on X * Follow MEXC_Listings on X * Follow MEXC_Official on X * Follow G7_DAO on X * Join @MEXCEnglish on Telegram * Join @MEXCofficialNews on Telegram * What is your MEXC UID?: What is your MEXC UID? * Viral Share
AMA MEXC x XVERSE - 10 perguntas!
Ended 3 days ago
Faça uma pergunta a um dos nossos 7 convidados! 🤑 As 10 melhores perguntas receberão 10 USDT cada! 🧧 Como você pode participar? 1️⃣ Siga nossa conta no X: @MEXC_PORTUGUESE 2️⃣ Entre em nosso grupo do Telegram: 3️⃣ Poste sua pergunta nos comentários! 4️⃣ Marque 2 amigos para aumentar suas chances! 5️⃣ Preencha o formulário Gleam! Data: de 10 de fevereiro de 2025 a 13 de fevereiro de 2025 Corre que o evento só vai durar três dias! 💪 #MEXC #USDT #Crypto #Giveaway #CryptoRewards Entry Methods: * Siga @mexc_portuguese no X * Repost @mexc_portuguese no X * Refer Friends For Extra Entries * Entrar no @MEXCPortugal no Telegram * Entrar no @MEXC_Portuguese no Telegram * O SEU UID DE MEXC (8 DIGITAIS): O SEU UID DE MEXC (8 DIGITAIS) * Sua pergunta para os convidados!: Sua pergunta para os convidados!
¡Hora de Adivinar!
Ended 1 day ago
🤔 Elegimos 6️⃣ respuestas correctas para ganar 1500 $monedas misteriosas cada uno. 🏆Cómo participar: 🔷 Rellena el formulario 🔷 Síguenos en YouTube:ñol ⏳Finaliza el 15 de febrero a las 23:00 (UTC+1). Entry Methods: * Sigue a @MEXCespanol en X * Retuitea a @MEXCespanol en X * Únete a @MEXCSpanish en Telegram * Únete a @MEXC_Spanish en Telegram * Tu UID de MEXC (8 dígitos): Tu UID de MEXC (8 dígitos) * Tu respuesta: Tu respuesta