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All Giveaways by PERPLAY

Burritowallet EVENT
Ended 10 days ago
🎀 Burritowallet EVENT 🎀 - Complete the missions and claim 70 PER! 😀 믞션을 완료하고 70 PER 받아가섞요! 😀 How to Participate : 읎벀튞 ì°žì—¬ 방법 Please ‘complete all’ the Gleam missions! Ꞁ늌 믞션을 '몚두 완료'핎죌섞요! 1. Write Burritowallet wallet address Burritowallet 지갑죌소 작성 2. Enter your PERPLAY account (ID) (PERPLAY Signup Gmail) PERPLAY 가입 후 계정(아읎디) 입력 (PERPLAY 가입 Gmail) ✅ Download PERPLAY App ✅ Event Period : 읎벀튞 êž°ê°„ KST 👉🏻 2024.09.10(화) 정Ʞ점검 읎후 ~ 2024.09.24 (화) 14:00 UTC 👉🏻 Sep 9 (Mon) after the regular maintenance ~ Sep 24 (Tue) 05:00 Prize Pool : 볎상 '70 PER' will be provided upon completion of all missions. 몚든 믞션 완료 시 '70 PER' 제공 Take Note : 유의사항 * Failure to meet mission requirements will result in exclusion from reward distribution. : 믞션에 따륞 조걎 믞충족 시, 볎상 지꞉ 읞원에서 제왞됩니닀. * Participants who engage in inappropriate methods will be excluded from the participation and winners lists. : 올바륎지 않은 방법윌로 찞여한 겜우 ì°žì—¬ 및 당첚자 늬슀튞에서 제왞됩니닀. * In case of abuse, all winners will be excluded from the winner list. : 얎뷰징읎 발견될 겜우 당첚자 늬슀튞에서 음ꎄ 제왞됩니닀. * This event is only applicable to new users who registered with PERPLAY after 9/10. : 볞 읎벀튞는 9/10 읎후 PERPLAY에 가입한 신규 가입자만 핎당됩니닀. * Submitted Gleam entries cannot be modified. For modifications, please contact #📚│help-desk. : 한 번 제출된 Ꞁ늌은 수정읎 불가합니닀. 수정을 원하싀 겜우 디슀윔드 📚│help-desk 로 별도 묞의 부탁 드늜니닀. Entry Methods: * Entry Confirmed : 로귞읞 완료! * Submit Your burritowallet Address * Submit your Gmail address : PERPLAY 구Ꞁ계정을 입력하섞요: Submit your Gmail address : PERPLAY 구Ꞁ계정을 입력하섞요
Derby Stars × PERPLAY :: Partnership EVENT
Ended 2 months ago
🎁 Derby Stars × PERPLAY :: Partnership EVENT 1🎁 How to participate in the event : 읎벀튞 ì°žì—¬ 방법 Please ‘complete all’ the Gleam missions! Ꞁ늌 믞션을 '몚두 완료'핎죌섞요! 1. Join PERPLAY Discord : PERPLAY 디슀윔드 가입 2. Join PERPLAY Twitter : PERPLAY 튞위터 가입 3. Enter account information after joining PERPLAY (Your Gmail information used for PERPLAY registration) : PERPLAY 가입 후 계정 정볎 입력 (PERPLAY 가입 Gmail) 4. Please enter the EVM wallet address you use to play Derby Stars, starting with '0x' : 0x로 시작하는 Derby Stars륌 플레읎하는 EVM 지갑 죌소륌 정확히 입력핎 죌섞요. ✅ Download PERPLAY App ✅ Event Period : 읎벀튞 êž°ê°„ UTC 👉🏻 2024.07.19 (Fri) 05:00 am ~ 2024.08.02 (Fri) 23:59 pm KST 👉🏻 2024.07.19 (ꞈ) 14:00 ~ 2024.08.02 (ꞈ) 08:59 Prize Pool : 볎상 1⃣ Derby Stars 3,000 CRT + 100 exp 10 carrots : 3,000 CRT + 100 exp 당귌 10개 Rewards will be distributed collectively to EVM wallets after the event ends. : 볎상의 겜우, 읎벀튞 종료 후 EVM 지갑윌로 음ꎄ 지꞉ 됩니닀. 2⃣ PERPLAY - 15 PER per person : 1읞당 15 PER - Rewards will be distributed collectively via In-App mail after the event ends. 볎상의 겜우, 읎벀튞 종료 후 In-App 우펞을 통핎 음ꎄ 지꞉ 됩니닀. ※ Both rewards will be distributed together. : 2가지 볎상 몚두 핚께 지꞉ 됩니닀. Take Note : 유의사항 * Failure to meet mission requirements will result in exclusion from reward distribution. : 믞션에 따륞 조걎 믞충족 시, 볎상 지꞉ 읞원에서 제왞됩니닀. * Participants who engage in inappropriate methods will be excluded from the participation and winners lists. : 올바륎지 않은 방법윌로 찞여한 겜우 ì°žì—¬ 및 당첚자 늬슀튞에서 제왞됩니닀. * In case of abuse, all winners will be excluded from the winner list. : 얎뷰징읎 발견될 겜우 당첚자 늬슀튞에서 음ꎄ 제왞됩니닀. * This applies only to accounts newly registered after 7/23(Tue). : 7/23(화) 읎후부터 신규 가입한 계정만 핎당됩니닀. * Submitted Gleam entries cannot be modified. For modifications, please contact #📚│help-desk. : 한 번 제출된 Ꞁ늌은 수정읎 불가합니닀. 수정을 원하싀 겜우 디슀윔드 📚│help-desk 로 별도 묞의 부탁 드늜니닀. 👇🏻 Download PERPLAY App 👇🏻 Entry Methods: * Entry Confirmed : 로귞읞 완료! * Join PERPLAY Discord : PERPLAY 디슀윔드 가입하Ʞ * Follow PERPLAYofficial on X * Submit your Gmail address : PERPLAY 구Ꞁ계정을 입력하섞요: Submit your Gmail address : PERPLAY 구Ꞁ계정을 입력하섞요 * Enter EVM Wallet Address : EVM 지갑 죌소륌 입력하섞요
PERPLAY × Drawshop Kingdom Reverse FOLLOW EVENT
Ended 6 months ago
🚗 PERPLAY × Drawshop Kingdom Reverse FOLLOW EVENT 🚗 How to Join Join our event by completing all the Follow missions Event Period KST 👉🏻 From 3/19 (Tue) 09:00 to 3/25 (Mon) 23:59 UTC 👉🏻 From 3/19 (Tue) am 00:00 to 3/25 (Mon) pm 2:59 Prize Pool â–Œ Complete the Glim Mission â–Œ All receive 20 XPER & 3,000 rubies + 20 golden tickets + 10 premium boxes : For 20 XPER&Coupon code, it will be provided via PERPALY in-app mail. : It will be provided only upon completion of all missions. Take Note * This event is for new members who joined after 3/19, and participation is limited to those who joined after this date. Existing members will be automatically excluded from the participant list without prior notice. * Take NoteUsing fraudulent or exploitative methods for participation will result in exclusion from both the list of participants and winners. * PERPLAY App downloads are only available on Android. * Once you've finished Gleam, you won't be able to make any changes. If you need to make changes, please reach out to us at Discord 📚│help-desk for assistance. Entry Methods: * Entry Confirmed * Join Drawshop Kingdom Reverse Discord * Follow @DrawshopKingdom on Twitter * Join PERPLAY Discord * Follow @PERPLAYofficial on Twitter * Join @PERPLAY on Telegram * Download the app: * Submit your Gmail address: Submit your Gmail address
PERPLAY x XPLA Collab Event
Ended 9 months ago
- 🎉 PERPLAY X XPLA COLLAB EVENT 🎉 AIRDROP IN TWD: ALL-STARS APOCALYPSE Play the Walking Dead: All-Stars on PERPLAY. Loot double rewards! Play Walking Dead on PERPLAY, show gameplay proof, have a shot for a token giveaway! PLUS! Verify your PERPLAY NFT purchase for a chance at an NFT airdrop! 👌 Eligible Participants 👌 New PERPLAY users who joined after the event starts 🔎 How to Join 🔎 1. Download the PERPLAY app and create an account w/ Gmail 2. After receiving your Free NFT, play The Walking Dead: All-Stars on PERPLAY 3. Play TWD: All-stars on PERPLAY and clear Stage 4-1, screenshot proof 4. Complete Gleam tasks below (BONUS mission is for NFT purchases only) 🎁 Prize Pool 🎁 10,000 XPLA tokens 1 Normal-grade PERPLAY NFT 500 PER tokens 📅 Important Dates 📅 Event Period: December 19 (Tue) 6:00 AM ~ January 8 (Mon), 11:59 PM UTC Announcement of Winners: TBA, on official channels - Entry Methods: * Entry Confirmed * Join PERPLAY on Discord * Follow @PERPLAYofficial on Twitter * Submit your PERPLAY Gmail address: What is your PERPLAY Gmail address? * Visit The Walking Dead: All-Stars Forum * Follow @twdallstars on Twitter * Join The Walking Dead: All-Stars on Discord * Download The Walking Dead: All-Stars app * Play The Walking Dead: All-Stars on PERPLAY and clear stage 4-1. Upload on SNS (w/ hashtags) * Submit your CS Code in The Walking Dead: All-Stars: What's your CS Code in The Walking Dead: All-Stars? * Submit your Server name in The Walking Dead: All-Stars: What's your server in The Walking Dead: All-Stars? * Follow @XPLA_Official on Twitter * Join @Official_XPLA on Telegram * Submit your XPLA GAMES wallet address * BONUS: (for PERPLAY NFT purchase) Submit your HAVAH Wallet Address * BONUS: (for PERPLAY NFT purchase) Submit the TOKEN ID of your purchased NFT: Enter the token ID of the NFT you purchased
PERPLAY Community 'FOLLOW ME' Event
Ended 11 months ago
PERPLAY 'FOLLOW ME' Event How to Join : ì°žì—¬ 방법 Join our event by completing all the Follow missions PERPLAY 공식 채널듀을 반드시 몚두 "팔로우" 핎죌섞요! Event Period : 읎벀튞 êž°ê°„ UTC 👉🏻 Until 10/31 2:59 PM KST 👉🏻 10/31 23:59 까지 Prize Pool : 볎상 100 winners → 50 XPER each 쎝 100명 → 50 XPER 제공 Take Note : 유의사항 * This event is exclusively for new app users who have registered in the PEPRLAY app after 10/6. : 볞 읎벀튞는 App 신규 가입 회원을 위한 읎벀튞로 10/6 읎후 가입한 대상자만 찞여가 가능합니닀. * If you signed up before 10/6, you'll be automatically excluded from the participant list. : 10/6 읎전 가입자의 겜우, 별도의 안낎없읎 찞여자 늬슀튞에서 자동윌로 제왞됩니닀. * Using fraudulent or exploitative methods for participation will result in exclusion from both the list of participants and winners. : 올바륎지않은 방법윌로 찞여한 겜우 ì°žì—¬ 및 당첚자 늬슀튞에서 제왞됩니닀. * Once you've finished Gleam, you won't be able to make any changes. If you need to make changes, please reach out to us at Discord 📚│help-desk for assistance. : 한번 제출 된 Ꞁ늌은 수정읎 불가합니닀. 따띌서 수정을 원하싀 겜우 디슀윔드 📚│help-desk 로 별도묞의 부탁드늜니닀. Entry Methods: * Entry Confirmed :: 로귞읞완료 * Join PERPLAY Discord : PERPLAY 디슀윔드 가입하Ʞ * Follow @PERPLAYofficial on Twitter * Visit PERPLAY on Facebook * Join @PERPLAY on Telegram * Visit PERPLAY on YouTube * Submit your Gmail address : 구Ꞁ계정을 입력하섞요: Submit your Gmail address : 구Ꞁ계정을 입력하섞요
PERPLAY Open Beta Test Pre-registration :: PERPLAY OBT 사전 예앜 신청하Ʞ
Ended 1 year ago
- 🚗 What is PERPLAY? 🚗 PERPLAY is the world’s first G&E(Game and Earn) platform, where users can own, upgrade, and earn using their NFTs by playing ANY game on their mobile device. With Web3 technology, you can turn the time and effort you put into games into real assets and earn money for it. PERPLAY is the platform that lets you have fun playing your favorite games and get rewarded for the time you've spent. 💥 Free NFT for Everyone 💥 Receive a Free NFT code when you pre-register to PERPLAY's Open Beta Test. You can use that code to claim your Free NFT to try the PERPLAY App. ⏰ Open Beta Test Pre-Registration Period ⏰ September 18, 2023 (Mon) - October 4, 2023 (Wed) 2:59 PM (UTC) 🔎 How to Register 🔎 (Complete Gleam Missions) 1. Join PERPLAY Discord 2. Follow PERPLAY on Twitter 3. Retweet about PERPLAY OBT Pre-registration 4. Submit Gmail Email Address 5. Submit HAVAH Wallet Address 🎁 Exclusive Rewards for Open Beta Test Participants 🎁 1. Free NFT 2. Chance to Win in NFT Airdrop 3. XPER rewards for proof of gameplay 4. XPER rewards for Zealy missions 5. XPER rewards for NFT purchase 👇 More info 👇 PERPLAY LinkTree ᅳᅳᅳᅳᅳᅳᅳᅳᅳᅳᅳ 🚗 What is PERPLAY? 🚗 퍌플레읎(PERPLAY)는 ì–Žë–€ 몚바음 게임읎든 NFT륌 장착하고 플레읎하멎 토큰을 마읎닝할 수 있는 Web3 Ʞ반의 G&E(Game and Earn) 플랫폌입니닀. Web3 Ʞ술을 통핎 유저는 게임에 투자한 시간곌 녞력을 옚전히 자산화 시킎곌 동시에 가치륌 읞정받고 수익화 시킬 수 있습니닀. ë‚Žê°€ 좋아하는 게임도 슐Ʞ고 ë‚Žê°€ 투자한 시간만큌 볎상도 받을 수 있는 플랫폌읎 PERPLAY 입니닀. 💥 누구나 마읎닝 첎험을 할 수 있는 Free NFT 💥 PERPLAY OBT 사전 예앜 신청자 분듀에 한핮 마읎닝 첎험을 할 수 있는 Free NFT 윔드가 전송됩니닀. ⏰ PERPLAY OBT 사전 예앜 신청 êž°ê°„ ⏰ 9/18 (월) ~ 10/4 (수) 🔎 OBT 사전 예앜 신청 방법 🔎 아래 Ꞁ늌 믞션을 몚두 완료핎죌섞요! 1. PERPLAY 디슀윔드 가입하Ʞ 2. PERPLAY 튞위터 팔로우 하Ʞ 3. OBT 사전 예앜 소식 늬튞윗하Ʞ 4. OBT에 찞여할 Gmail 죌소 입력하Ʞ 5. 하바 지갑 죌소 입력하Ʞ 🎁 PERPLAY OBT 사전 예앜 신청자 혜택 🎁 1. 누구나 마읎닝 첎험을 핎볌 수 있는 Free NFT 윔드 발송 2. 추첚을 통한 NFT 에얎드랍 읎벀튞 3. 플레읎 읞슝 시 XPER 토큰 볎상 4. PERPLAY 디슀윔드 낮 질늬 믞션 찞여자 XPER 토큰 볎상 5. NFT 구맀자 XPER 토큰 볎상 👇 PERPLAY 더 알아볎Ʞ 👇 PERPLAY LinkTree - Entry Methods: * Click Here to Confirm Your Entry : 로귞읞 완료 * Join PERPLAY Discord : PERPLAY 디슀윔드 가입하Ʞ * Follow @PERPLAYofficial on Twitter * Retweet @PERPLAYofficial on Twitter * Submit your GMAIL Email Address : OBT에 찞여할 Gmail 죌소 입력하Ʞ: (for Open Beta Test access) * Submit your HAVAH Wallet Address : 하바 지갑 죌소 입력하Ʞ
PERPLAY x ISKRA :: Retweet Event
Ended 1 year ago
PERPLAY x ISKRA Retweet EVENT Have you ever imagined that you EARN with just PLAYING ANY GAME? PERPLAY is the world’s first platform that you can EARN rewards from ANY WEB2 and WEB3 GAMEs which you enjoyed already. We are ready to launch our PRIVATE TEST soon, and only NFT HOLDER can play in this version. Your play is worth it with PERPLAY! 👇🏻 Event Duration 2023.08.11(Fri) ~ 08.16(Wed) 2:59 pm (UTC) Rewards 20 XPER + 2 USDT 👉🏻 100 Winners How to Join 1. Follow and Join PERPLAY & ISKRA on Twitter & Discord 2. Retweet PERPLAY's Tweet 3. Submit your wallet address (HAVAH & Metamask & ISKRA) Distribution of Prizes 2023.08.23(Wed) Entry Methods: * Entry Confirmed - More Ways to Enter Below * Join PERPLAY Discord * Follow @PERPLAYofficial on Twitter * Join ISKRA Discord * Follow @iskra_world on Twitter * Retweet @PERPLAYofficial on Twitter * Submit your HAVAH wallet address * Submit Metamask Wallet Address * Submit ISKRA Wallet Address
PERPLAY x ALTAVA :: Retweet Event
Ended 1 year ago
PERPLAY x ALTAVA Retweet EVENT Have you ever imagined that you EARN with just PLAYING ANY GAME? PERPLAY is the world’s first platform that you can EARN rewards from ANY WEB2 and WEB3 GAMEs which you enjoyed already. We are ready to launch our PRIVATE TEST soon, and only NFT HOLDER can play in this version. Your play is worth it with PERPLAY! 👇🏻 Event Duration 2023.08.11(Fri) ~ 08.16(Wed) 2:59 pm (UTC) Rewards 20 XPER + 2 USDT 👉🏻 100 Winners How to Join 1. Follow and Join PERPLAY & ALTAVA on Twitter & Discord 2. Retweet PERPLAY's Tweet 3. Submit your wallet address (HAVAH & Metamask) Distribution of Prizes 2023.08.23(Wed) Entry Methods: * Entry Confirmed - More Ways to Enter Below * Join PERPLAY Discord * Follow @PERPLAYofficial on Twitter * Join ALTAVA Discord * Follow @altavagroup on Twitter * Retweet @altavagroup on Twitter * Submit your HAVAH wallet address * Submit Metamask Wallet Address
Genesis NFT Holder Verification Form :: 친구쎈대륌 통한 Genesis NFT 홀더 읞슝하Ʞ
Ended 1 year ago
안녕하섞요, Genesis NFT 였너가 되신 여러분, 반갑습니닀 👋🏻 아래 섀명에 따띌, 필요한 정볎륌 입력하시멎 자동윌로 PERPLAY 디슀윔드에서 @Genesis Owner 역할을 부여받윌 ì‹€ 수 있윌며 ꎀ렚하여 추가 홀더 혜택은 아래링크에서 확읞 가능합니닀. ✅ 홀더 혜택 볎러가Ʞ 유의사항 1. 친구에게 공유받은 쎈대윔드륌 반드시 입력핎죌섞요. 2. 제출하시는 지갑죌소는 Genesis NFT 구맀 ë‚Žì—­ 및 Genesis Owner 역할 부여 읎력읎 없얎알 읞정됩니닀. 3. Genesis NFT는 하바슀왑에서 구맀한 걎에 한핎서만 읞정됩니닀. 4. NFT 구맀 후 25음까지 핎당 읞슝 양식을 반드시 작성핎알 합니닀. 5. ꎀ렚하여 궁ꞈ하신 사항은 PERPLAY 디슀윔드 낮 #help-desk로 묞의죌섞요. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hello, and welcome to our new Genesis NFT owners! 👋🏻 Follow the steps and fill out the details below to automatically get your Genesis Owner role. For details on additional privileges, check the link below. ✅ Check owner perks here Take a Note 1. Enter the referral code you received from your friend. 2. The wallet address you submit should have no history of Genesis NFT purchase nor be associated with a current Genesis Owner 3. We will only acknowledge purchase/s made on HAVAH Swap. 4. Make sure to complete this verification form on or before July 25th. 5. For inquiries, send us a ticket via #help-desk channel on PERPLAY Discord. Entry Methods: * Entry Confirmed : 로귞읞 완료! * Join PERPLAY Discord : PERPLAY 디슀윔드 가입하Ʞ * Enter Referral Code : 추천읞 윔드 Ʞ입하Ʞ * Write number of NFTs purchased : 구맀한 NFT 구맀수량 Ʞ재하Ʞ: Write number of NFTs purchased : 구맀한 NFT 구맀수량 Ʞ재하Ʞ * Submit NFT Token ID : 구맀한 NFT 음렚번혞 제출하Ʞ: Submit NFT Token ID : NFT 음렚번혞 제출하Ʞ * Submit your HAVAH wallet address : 하바지갑죌소 입력하Ʞ
Ninja Game Guild :: Pre-collection of AMA Questions
Ended 1 year ago
Hello, Ninja Game Guild! 👋🏻 We know you must have plenty of questions about PERPLAY, and that's why we've organized an AMA for you! Feel free to leave your questions, and we'll be more than glad to provide you with detailed answers! こんにちは!Ninja Game Guildの皆さん👋🏻 私たちPERPLAYに぀いお知りたいこずが本圓に倚いず思いたす!それで準備したAMAのために知りたいこずを質問しおくれば枅枅しくお答えしたす. 📢 AMA Schedule : AMA日皋📢 2023. 08. 09 (Wed) 11:00 am (UTC) 2023. 08. 09 (Wed) 08:00 pm (JST) 📆 Deadline of Submission : 質問の䜜成日皋 📆 2023. 08. 04 ~ 08. 06 (Sun) 02:59 pm (UTC) 2023. 08. 04 ~ 08. 06 (Sun) 23:59 (JST) 🏆 Rewards : 謝瀌金 🏆 1. 20 XPER 👉🏻 ALL attendees 20 XPER 👉🏻 参加者党員 2. 100 XPER 👉🏻 (5) top questions, handpicked 100 XPER 👉🏻 遞ばれた質問5人 🎁 AMA Event : AMA むベント 🎁 Live Surprise Quiz 3 winners 👉🏻 100 XPER AMAの䞭で行われるサプラむズクむズを圓おた3人 👉🏻 100 XPER 💬 Take a Note : 泚意事項 💬 1. We may not acknowledge questions whose answers are readily apparent or self-evident. : 簡単すぎる質問の堎合、採甚されないこずがありたす。 2. Feel free to ask diverse, novel, or challenging questions. : 倚様で斬新な、そしお難しい質問すべお関係なく、気軜に、倚様に質問しおくださっおもいいです。 3. Questions submitted via Gleam cannot be edited, so if you want to submit additional questions, kindly do so via our Discord ticket tool. : 答匁の修正が難しい関係で远加の質問が生じた堎合ティケットゥルを通じお提出しおも構いたせん。 4. For duplicate questions, the person who submitted the question first will be acknowledged shall the question be selected as a top question. : 重耇質問の堎合、質問を先に提出しおくださったホルダヌの方に補償が提䟛されたす。 5. To give a fair chance to others, each participant can only win once, even if multiple questions they submitted are selected as the best questions. : 倚数の参加者に公正な機䌚を䞎えるために提出した質問のうち、いく぀かの質問がベスト質問に認められおも、1人圓たり1回の補償が支絊されたす。 Entry Methods: * Entry Confirmed : ログむン完了 * Join PERPLAY Discord : PERPLAY ディスコヌドに加入 * Follow @PERPLAYofficial on Twitter * Join 'Ninja Gaming Guild' Discord : Ninja Gaming Guild ディスコヌドに加入 * Follow @NinjaGameGuild on Twitter * Ask Us Anything : 質問䜜成: Ask us anything you want to know about PERPLAY! : 今たで知りたいこずや聞きたかったこずを党郚質問しおください。 * Submit your HAVAH wallet address : ハバ財垃の䜏所
PERPLAY (Pre-OBT) 1st Private Test Registration
Ended 1 year ago
안녕하섞요, PERPLAYERs 홀더 여러분, Ʞ닀늬고 Ʞ닀늬던 PERPLAY 1st Private Test에 Genesis Owner 분듀을 쎈대합니닀. ----- 💎 PERPLAY 1st Private Test 💎 * PERPLAY 1st Private Test는 옚첎읞윌로 진행됩니닀. * PERPLAY 1st Private Test êž°ê°„ 동안 획득한 토큰은 볞읞 소유로 적용됩니닀. ì°žì—¬ 신청 방법: 아래 항목을 ꌭ 입력핎 죌섞요! 👇 1. 홀더 읞슝된 디슀윔드 ID 2. 홀더 읞슝 받은 하바 지갑 죌소 3. PERPLAY 1st Private Test에 찞여할 Gmail 죌소 PERPLAY 1st Private Test 신청 êž°ê°„ 7월 15음(토) ~ 8월 9음(수) 유의사항 ✅ PERPLAY 1st Private Test ì°žì—¬ 링크는 Gmail 죌소로 발송되니, 반드시 유횚한 Gmail 죌소륌 입력 & 제출핎알 합니닀. (타 메음 불가 / 메음 용량을 확읞하섞요.) ✅ PERPLAY 1st Private Test ì°žì—¬ 링크는 홀더 읞슝한 하바 지갑 죌소 1개당 Gmail 죌소 1개로 맀칭 및 읞정하여 발송될 예정입니닀. (ex. 지갑 1개당 Gmail 죌소 2개 읞정 불가) ✅ Ʞ타 추가 묞의 사항은 디슀윔드 채널 낮 #help-desk에 낚겚죌섞요. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hello, Genesis NFT Owners! We invite you to the moment you've been waiting for, our pre-OBT, the Private Test! ----- 💎 PERPLAY 1st Private Test 💎 * Test is exclusively available to Genesis NFT owners. * 100% of tokens earned during the test acknowledged as real assets How to Register: Submit all required fields below! 👇 1. Use the Discord ID associated w/ your Genesis Owner role 2. HAVAH wallet address associated w/ your Genesis Owner role 3. GMAIL email address that you will use for the test 📅 Registration Period 7/15(Sat) ~ 8/9(Wed) 11:59 PM (UTC) Take a Note! ✅ We will be whitelisting access to the pre-OBT using Gmail accounts, so it is important that participants submit a valid, verified, and working Gmail address to us. (Use only individually-owned Gmail addresses and also check your email's storage capacity). ✅ Access to the pre-OBT link is distributed on a 1 Gmail account per 1 HAVAH wallet address basis ONLY (the HAVAH wallet address associated with your Genesis Owner role). (ex. 1 HAVAH wallet address cannot be associated with 2 Gmail accounts). ✅ For any other inquiries, send us a ticket via Discord #help-desk. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 👇🏻 Register Now / 지ꞈ 입력하Ʞ Entry Methods: * Entry Confirmed : 로귞읞 완료! * Join PERPLAY Discord : PERPLAY 디슀윔드 가입하Ʞ * Pre-OBT 찞여할 Gmail 죌소: Pre-OBT 찞여할 Gmail 죌소 입력하Ʞ * Submit your HAVAH wallet address : 하바지갑죌소 입력하Ʞ
Ended 1 year ago
🚗 What is PERPLAY? 🚗 PERPLAY is the world’s first G&E(Game and Earn) platform, where users can own, upgrade, and earn from their NFTs by simply playing any game on their device. Players will be able to earn not only from playing mobile games but also from playing desktop and browser games as PERPLAY expands its service. 🔏 What is FIRMACHAIN? 🔏 Firmachain has focused on and has grown on the essence of preventing forgery and providing transparency by combining all social and legal actions based on written documents with the blockchain of electronic documents and signatures. Firmachain is now expanding to a comprehensive platform that can link services with the blockchain while maintaining its essence as a trust-based platform. It pursues to become a must-have start-up package for businesses by providing continuity where benefits for companies or users increase as usage increases and aims to be a utility entertainment (Utility + Entertainment) platform. FIRMACHAIN Website / Medium / Twitter / Telegram / FIRMACHAIN Wallet PERPLAY Website / Discord / Twitter / HAVAH Wallet PERPLAY GENESIS SALE Page ------------------- 🎁 PRIZES🎁 🏆 6,000 $PER 🏆 300 winners 20 $PER each ------------------- 👉 How to Join 👈 1. Finish ALL Gleam tasks below. 🗓 Important Dates 🗓 1) Event Period: 04.11.2023 - 04.13.2023 11:59 p.m. (UTC) 2) Announcement of Winners: 04.14.2023 Entry Methods: * Entry Confirmed - More Ways to Enter Below * Follow @PERPLAYofficial on Twitter * Follow @FirmaChain on Twitter * Enter your FIRMACHAIN wallet * Create a HAVAH Wallet * Submit your ERC-20 Metamask Wallet Address * Join PERPLAY Discord * Thank you for participating in PERPLAY x FIRMACHAIN Airdrop Event!
PERPLAY x Shadow Legacy Guild Collaboration Event
Ended 1 year ago
🚗 What is PERPLAY? 🚗 PERPLAY is the world’s first G&E(Game and Earn) platform, where users can own, upgrade, and earn from their NFTs by simply playing any game on their device. Players will be able to earn not only from playing mobile games but also from playing desktop and browser games as PERPLAY expands its service. 🐎 What is Shadow Legacy Guild? 🐎 Shadow Legacy Guild ( SLG ) is a web 3.0 gaming guild connecting with the most relevant games on the blockchain. SLG is building a first-class gaming guild with an extraordinary community that fosters strong relationships between players, games, and the guild. ------------------- 🎁 PRIZES🎁 🏆 LUCKY DRAW 🏆 50 winners WL (fcfs) role + 50 $PER each ------------------- 👉 How to Join 👈 1. Finish ALL Gleam tasks below. 🗓 Important Dates 🗓 1) Event Period: 04.10.2023 9:00 a.m. - 04.13.2023 10:00 a.m. (UTC) 2) Announcement of Winners: TBA on Official Channels Entry Methods: * Entry Confirmed - More Ways to Enter Below * Follow @PERPLAYofficial on Twitter * Follow @shadowlegacygld on Twitter * Join PERPLAY Discord * Join Shadow Legacy Guild Discord * Submit Metamask (ERC20) Wallet Address
PERPLAY Genesis NFT Sale Page Launching [MASSIVE GIVEAWAY]
Ended 2 years ago
PERPLAY is the world’s first (G&E) Game-and-Earn platform where users own, upgrade, and earn from their NFTs. Users can earn tokens from playing any game they have registered in the PERPLAY app, which can be games they already enjoy on their devices or other games they want to download from app marketplaces. PERPLAY makes earning rewards possible at one’s fingertips. - [GIVEAWAY] ✅ EVENT 1: Countdown Capture 04:18 / 04:19! ✅ 🔎 How to Join 1. On the Genesis NFT sale page, capture at least (1) ONE screenshot of the following timestamps: a) 4 minutes 18 seconds b) 4 minutes 19 seconds REMEMBER: Each screenshot must be taken on DIFFERENT DATES! 🔗 Genesis NFT sale page : 2. Tweet about your countdown screenshot on Twitter. Tweet must include: a. tagging 3 friends b. reason why you are excited about PERPLAY NFTs c. hashtags #PERPLAY #GameandEarn #PERPLAY_NFT - 🎁 Event Prizes - If you complete all of the missions above, we give you a WL (FCFS) spot! - 50 $XPER via lucky draw - 🥇 WL (FCFS) to ALL participants who complete the mission - 🥈 50 $XPER x 100 winners 📅 Event Schedule 3/31 (Friday) - 4/2 (Sunday) - - - - - - - - - - - Entry Methods: * Entry Confirmed - More Ways to Enter Below * Visit PERPLAY Genesis NFT Minting Page * Capture screenshot of Genesis NFT Sale countdown * Tweet about your countdown screenshot on Twitter * Retweet @PERPLAYofficial on Twitter * Join PERPLAY Discord * Submit your HAVAH wallet address * Join our EVENT 2 on PERPLAY Discord
HAVAH x PERPLAY Official Partnership Giveaway
Ended 2 years ago
PERPLAY and HAVAH have announced their strategic partnership which aims to increase NFT utility and expand the game ecosystem. 🚗 What is PERPLAY? 🚗 PERPLAY is the world’s first G&E(Game and Earn) platform, where users can own, upgrade, and earn from their NFTs by simply playing any game on their device. Players will be able to earn not only from playing mobile games but also from playing desktop and browser games as PERPLAY expands its service. 🪐 What is HAVAH? 🪐 Havah is an interchain platform that expands utility and increases value by allowing NFTs issued on multiple chains to be seamlessly transferred and used. It has secured approximately $7.7 million in initial investment from HANGANG Ventures, MARBLEX, XPLA, BORA, and MAMA Ventures. ------------------- 🎁 PRIZES 🎁 - 🏆 TOP PARTICIPANTS 🏆 TOP 1-30 WL (FCFS) role + 300 $PER - 🏆 LUCKY DRAW 🏆 A. 100 winners 50 $PER each B. 20 winners 10 $USDT each C. 100 winners 50 $HVH each ------------------- 👉 How to Join 👈 1. Finish ALL Gleam tasks below. ------------------- 👉 Get MORE Chances of Winning 👈 🎯 HOW: Earn as many entries as you can! A. DAILY BONUS: Login daily for Xtra Points 1. Log in to this Gleam event daily for an automatic +2 points for each verified daily log-in. B. BONUS MISSION: Share With Your Friends 1. Complete all 10 missions to unlock BONUS MISSION 'Share With Your Friends'. 2. This bonus mission will give you a unique invite link that you can use to share with your friends! 3. If your friend enters our Gleam event using your invite link and completes at least 1 mission, you get +5 entries (for each friend). 4. Invite as many friends as you can so you can get more entries! - 🗓 Important Dates 🗓 1) Event Period : 03.16.2023 12:00 a.m. - 03.30.2023 11:59 p.m. (UTC) 2) Announcement of Winners : TBA on PERPLAY Discord - 🀞 BEST OF LUCK 🀞 Entry Methods: * DAILY BONUS: Login daily for Xtra Points! * Follow @HAVAHofficial on Twitter * Follow @PERPLAYofficial on Twitter * Retweet @PERPLAYofficial on Twitter * Join HAVAH Discord * Join PERPLAY Discord * Visit PERPLAY on Facebook * Join @PERPLAY on Telegram * Enter your HAVAH Wallet Address * Add the $PER token to your HAVAH wallet * BONUS MISSION: Share With Your Friends
PERPLAY 'Grow our Community' Giveaway Event
Ended 2 years ago
🚗 What is PERPLAY? 🚗 PERPLAY is the world's 1st Play-and-Earn game launcher backed by Web3 technology. Our mission is to redefine the value of game time by rewarding players with coins when they play ANY game on their mobile devices. PERPLAY NFTs are born as cars that have distinct values and abilities and are unique in design. Users can use the NFTs to earn as they play any game on the PERPLAY game launcher. PERPLAY is planning to open its Beta Version in Q1 2023. ------------------- 🎁 PRIZES 🎁 Grow our PERPLAY community and become a WINNER! - 🏆 TOP PARTICIPANTS 🏆 A. TOP 1-5 OG role 100 $PER 20 USDT B. TOP 6-30 Whitelist (FCFS) role 100 $PER C. TOP 31-55 Whitelist (FCFS) role - 🏆 RANDOM DRAW 🏆 A. 25 random winners 100 $PER each B. 5 random winners 20 $USDT each ------------------- 👉 How to Join? 👈 GOAL: Earn as many entries as you can! 1. Complete all the 10 required missions in this event. 2. If you complete all the 10 missions, a BONUS MISSION 'Share With Your Friends' will unlock. 3. This bonus mission will give you a unique invite link that you can use to share with your friends! 4. If your friend enters our Gleam event using your invite link and completes at least 1 mission, you get +3 entries (for each friend). 5. Invite as many friends as you can so you can get more entries! - 🗓 Important Dates 🗓 1) Event Period: 01.13.2023 - 01.23.2023 23:59 (UTC) 2) Announcement of Winners: 01.25.2023 on PERPLAY Discord 🀞 BEST OF LUCK 🀞 Entry Methods: * Entry Confirmed - More Ways to Enter Below * Visit PERPLAY on Facebook * Follow @PERPLAYofficial on Twitter * Retweet @PERPLAYofficial on Twitter * Join @PERPLAY on Telegram * Subscribe to our MEDIUM blog * Visit Our Website * Join PERPLAY's Discord Server * Submit HAVAH Wallet Address * Submit TRC-20 Wallet Address * BONUS MISSION: Share With Your Friends