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All Giveaways by Cronos Labs

AgentFun.AI x Obsidian Finance: USD200 zkCRO Giveaway
Ended 21 days ago
To be Eligible: ✅ Complete all mandatory tasks 😊 Refer friends for extra chances 🎉 4 winners 🎉 USD50 worth of $zkCRO for each lucky winner Entry Methods: * Follow agentfunai on X * Follow ObsidianSwap on X * Repost agentfunai on X * Repost ObsidianSwap on X * Join @agentfunai on Telegram * Join Discord Server * Join Obsidian Finance Discord Server * Submit your Cronos zkEVM Wallet address (Starts with 0x...) * Refer Friends For Extra Winning Chances
Moonlander MLP Staking Mission USD1,000 Giveaway
Ended 2 months ago
🌕 Moonlander MLP Staking Mission USD1,000 Giveaway 10 lucky Striders, USD100 in $zkCRO each *Must stake a minimum of USD25 in MLP to be eligible Find out how to buy and stake MLP: Entry Methods: * Follow MoonlanderTrade on X * Repost MoonlanderTrade on X * Repost MoonlanderTrade on X * Join Our Discord Server * Input your Cronos zkEVM wallet address * Refer Friends For Extra Entries
Nexabot on Cronos zkEVM: USD1,000 $zkCRO Giveaway
Ended 2 months ago
Nexabot on Cronos zkEVM: USD1,000 $zkCRO Giveaway 10 to be chosen randomly to win $100 in $zkCRO each Get started by heading to our Telegram bot and generating a Cronos zkEVM wallet here 👉 For more info: Only Cronos zkEVM wallet addresses generated on Nexabot will be eligible for the giveaway. Entry Methods: * Follow NexaBotAI on X * Repost NexaBotAI on X * Repost NexaBotAI on X * Join @nexabotchat on Telegram * Input your Cronos zkEVM wallet address * Refer Friends For Extra Entries
AgentFun.AI LAUNCH: USD1,000 AGENTFUN Giveaway
Ended 2 months ago
To be Eligible: ✅ Complete all mandatory tasks 😊 Refer friends for extra chances 🎉 10 winners 🎉 USD100 $AGENTFUN for each lucky winner Entry Methods: * Follow agentfunai on X * Repost agentfunai on X * Repost agentfunai on X * Join @agentfunai on Telegram * Submit your Cronos Wallet address (Starts with 0x...) * Refer Friends For Extra Winning Chances
AgentFun.AI x Ebisu's Bay: USD200 Giveaway
Ended 3 months ago
To be Eligible: ✅ Complete all mandatory tasks 😊 Refer friends for extra chances 🎉 4 winners 🎉 USD50 worth of $zkCRO/$FRTN for each lucky winner Entry Methods: * Follow agentfunai on X * Follow EbisusBay on X * Join AgentFun.AI Discord Server * Join Ebisu's Bay Discord Server * Join @agentfunai on Telegram * Repost agentfunai on X * Repost agentfunai on X * Submit your Cronos Wallet address (Starts with 0x...) * Refer Friends For Extra Winning Chances
AgentFun.AI x H2: USD200 zkCRO & H2 Giveaway
Ended 3 months ago
To be Eligible: ✅ Complete all mandatory tasks 😊 Refer friends for extra chances 🎉 4 winners 🎉 USD20 $zkCRO & USD20 $H2 for each lucky winner Entry Methods: * Follow agentfunai on X * Follow h2_finance on X * Repost agentfunai on X * Repost agentfunai on X * Join @agentfunai on Telegram * Join Our Discord Server * Submit your Cronos zkEVM Wallet address (Starts with 0x...) * Refer Friends For Extra Winning Chances
AgentFun.AI x Nexabot: USD250 CRO Giveaway
Ended 3 months ago
To be Eligible: ✅ Complete all mandatory tasks 😊 Refer friends for extra chances 🎉 5 winners 🎉 USD50 $CRO for each lucky winner Entry Methods: * Follow agentfunai on X * Follow nexabotai on X * Repost agentfunai on X * Repost agentfunai on X * Join @agentfunai on Telegram * Submit your Cronos zkEVM Wallet address (Starts with 0x...) * Refer Friends For Extra Winning Chances
AgentFun.AI x CorgiAI: USD250 CRO Giveaway
Ended 3 months ago
To be Eligible: ✅ Complete all mandatory tasks 😊 Refer friends for extra chances 🎉 5 winners 🎉 USD50 $CRO for each lucky winner Entry Methods: * Follow agentfunai on X * Follow corgiaiclub on X * Repost agentfunai on X * Repost agentfunai on X * Join @agentfunai on Telegram * Submit your Cronos Wallet address (Starts with 0x...) * Refer Friends For Extra Winning Chances
CorgiAI <> Capybara USD200 Giveaway
Ended 3 months ago
🐶 CorgiAI <> Capybara USD200 Giveaway To be Eligible: ✅ Social Tasks 🎮 Submit a screenshot of playing Capybara Nation's TG game 🎉 4 winners 🎉 USD50 $CORGIAI for each lucky winner Entry Methods: * Follow corgiaiclub on X * Follow capy_nation on X * Repost corgiaiclub on X * Join CorgiAI Discord Server * Join @capybaranation on Telegram * Join @capybara_nation_bot on Telegram * Submit a Screenshot of Play Capabara Nation TG Game * Submit your Cronos Wallet address (Starts with 0x...) * Refer Friends For Extra Winning Chances * Repost capy_nation on X
Ended 3 months ago
Stake and Win $500 in $AMPLY! 🎉 ⭐️ 5 Lucky Winners ⭐️ Each winner will receive $100 USD in $AMPLY! To enter: Stake a minimum of $25 USD in our Vault Complete all mandatory tasks ✅ Entry Methods: * Follow amplyfinance on X * Repost amplyfinance on X * Join @amplyfinance on Telegram * Join Amply Finance's Discord Server * Submit Your Cronos zkEVM Wallet Address
CorgiAI: Who's POTUS Last Call USD300 Giveaway
Ended 3 months ago
🐶 CorgiAI: Who's POTUS Last Call USD300 Giveaway To be Eligible: ✅ Complete all mandatory tasks ✅ Have at least 2 votes or more *Votes can be on only one candidate or both sides The more votes you have, the higher your chance to win! 🎉 6 winners 🎉 USD50 $CORGIAI for each lucky winner Entry Methods: * Follow corgiaiclub on X * Repost corgiaiclub on X * Repost corgiaiclub on X * Join CorgiAI Discord Server * Mint Your NFT (President Don or Kam): * Submit your Cronos Wallet address (Starts with 0x...) * Refer Friends For Extra Winning Chances
Amply Offering Launch USD300 Giveaway
Ended 4 months ago
Amply Offering Launch USD300 Giveaway ⭐️ 6 Winners to be selected ⭐️ Each winner to get $50USD in zkCRO Complete all mandatory tasks ✅ Entry Methods: * Follow amplyfinance on X * Follow H2_Finance on X * Follow wolfswapdotapp on X * Repost amplyfinance on X * Repost amplyfinance on X * Join @amplyfinance on Telegram * Join Amply Finance's Discord Server * Submit Your Cronos zkEVM Wallet Address * Refer Friends For Extra Entries
Gleam A.I Agent USD1,000 Giveaway
Ended 3 months ago A.I Agent USD1,000 $CRO Giveaway To be Eligible: ✅ Complete all mandatory tasks ✅ Submit your Cronos Wallet Address 🎉 20 winners 🎉 USD50 $CRO for each lucky winner Entry Methods: * Follow cronos_chain on X * Follow cryptocom_agent on X * Repost cryptocom_agent on X * Repost cryptocom_agent on X * Visit AI Agent website: * Submit your Cronos Wallet address (Starts with 0x...) * Tag 3 builders / projects * Refer Friends For Extra Winning Chances
Amply Finance - Race to Bridge $ETH Showdown USD 1000 Giveaway
Ended 4 months ago
USD 1000 GIVEAWAY!! ⭐ 10 Winners ⭐ Each winner gets USD 100 in $zkCRO Complete social tasks below ⚡To increase your chance of winning ⚡ Participate in Race to Bridge $ETH Leaderboard Showdown * Bridge minimum 0.01 ETH from Ethereum Mainnet * The more you bridge, the higher chances of winning Entry Methods: * Follow amplyfinance on X * Follow cronos_chain on X * Repost cronos_chain on X * Repost amplyfinance on X * Participate in the race to bridge $ETH - [Min bridge amount 0.01 ETH]: * Submit your cronos wallet address (starts with 0x...) * Refer friends to increase your chance to win!
CorgiAI: L-AI-ONS NFT Collection Surprise Giveaway
Ended 4 months ago
CorgiAI: L-AI-ONS NFT Collection Surprise Giveaway ✅ Complete all mandatory tasks+ ✅ Answer "What is L-AI-ONS?" correct to be eligible 🎉 15 winners 🎉 L-AI-ONS NFT Collection allowlist slot for each lucky winner Entry Methods: * Follow corgiaiclub on X * Follow LoadedLions_CDC on X * Repost LoadedLions_CDC on X * Repost corgiaiclub on X * Join CorgiAI Discord Server * Join Mane City Discord Server * What is 'L-AI-ONS'? * Submit your Cronos Wallet address (Starts with 0x...) * Refer Friends For Extra Winning Chances
H2 - Race to Bridge $ETH Showdown USD500 Giveaway
Ended 4 months ago
🎁USD 500 in Prizes 5 Winners Each winner will get USD 100 in $zkCRO ✅ Complete social tasks below 🎉To increase your chance of winning: ✅ Participate in Race to Bridge $ETH Leaderboard Showdown *Bridge minimum 0.01 ETH from Ethereum Mainnet *The more you bridge, the higher chances of winning Entry Methods: * Follow H2_Finance on X * Follow cronos_chain on X * Repost cronos_chain on X * Repost H2_Finance on X * Participate in the Race to Bridge $ETH campaign, bridge ETH to increase your chances of winning: * Submit your Cronos Wallet address (Starts with 0x...) * Refer Friends For Extra Entries
Fulcrom Finance - USD200 $FUL Giveaway
Ended 4 months ago
🤑 Fulcrom Finance - USD200 $FUL Giveaway 200 USD to be won! (4 winners, 50 USD in FUL each) -------------------------------------------------------------- To be eligible: 1️⃣ Complete all mandatory tasks 2️⃣ Make a trade of USD25 or more on Fulcrom's zkEVM Frenzy 3️⃣ Have not joined zkEVM Frenzy prior this campaign Entry Methods: * Follow FulcromFinance on X * Repost FulcromFinance on X * Repost FulcromFinance on X * Join Fulcrom Discord Server * Submit your Cronos Wallet address (Starts with 0x...) * Refer Friends For Extra Winning Chances
CorgiAI: L-AI-ONS NFT Collection 200 Allowlist Giveaway
Ended 4 months ago
CorgiAI: L-AI-ONS NFT Collection 200 Allowlist Giveaway 200 allowlist slots are ONLY for: Top Dog Corgi holders, Top Dog Corgi stakers or $CORGIAI stakers (48 months vault) 200 lucky winners 🍀 Entry Methods: * Follow corgiaiclub on X * Follow LoadedLions_CDC on X * Repost corgiaiclub on X * Join CorgiAI Discord Server * Join Mane City Discord Server * Submit your Cronos Wallet address (Starts with 0x...) * Refer Friends For Extra Winning Chances
CorgiAI x Plague Who's POTUS NFTs Giveaway
Ended 5 months ago
CorgiAI x Plague Who's POTUS NFT Giveaway 🎉To celebrate CorgiAI - Who's POTUS Prediction Campaign launch 10 President Don or Kam NFT for 10 winners Good luck! 🍀 Entry Methods: * Follow corgiaiclub on X * Repost corgiaiclub on X * Enter Unique Code for a President Don NFT * Enter Unique Code for a President KAM NFT * Submit your Cronos Wallet address (Starts with 0x...)
CorgiAI x Minted USD500 Giveaway
Ended 5 months ago
CorgiAI x Minted USD500 $CORGIAI Giveaway 🎉To celebrate CorgiAI - Who's POTUS Prediction Campaign launch & its latest NFT collections be listed on Minted, where you can trade your votes! 💰 USD500 Prize Pool 10 winners, USD50 in $CORGIAI each Good luck! 🍀 Entry Methods: * Follow corgiaiclub on X * Follow MintedNetwork on X * Repost corgiaiclub on X * Repost corgiaiclub on X * Join CorgiAI Discord Server * Join Minted Discord Server * Visit CorgiAI - Who's POTUS Website: * Submit your Cronos Wallet address (Starts with 0x...) * Refer Friends For Extra Winning Chances